Flash Cards for FAA PPL written


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 29, 2020
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Conrad McLean
Hey All,

Getting started with my PPL and being "older" I like flash cards for studying. Sportys CBT came with my ground school materials and I want flash cards to supplement. Before I run off to Staples and buy index cards to make my own, any recommendations? I searched here and online, and do see some mentions of flash cards, but they are always with a bigger ground school package.

Thanks for suggestions!

Just passed ppl written this week with Gleim.

Totally hated their OGS (online ground school) - but would recommend making flash cards from missed questions as you go through study units and practice tests.
Paging @write-stuff....

Russell’s Gold Seal system is essentially very smart flash cards... I’ll let him explain further...
Hey there, Mike. Gold Seal's private pilot program does include Flash Cards as one of the quizzing options. Anyone can check it out for free.
I used Quizzlet. There are several of them if you search for them; basically its electronic flash cards.