First Class Medical


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 4, 2024
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Hey I have a few questions I wanna be a pilot and went in to get my medical certificate but I have Turner’s syndrome and I wasn’t issued one so I have been waiting since August! Im at the final review process, and the place I am hoping to start training with sent me an email about a timeline so they could set me up with a CFI as soon as Im ready. I have called every week like some suggested and last week they told me to call again and nothing. Im hoping someone knows who Im actually supposed to call ect (I emailed the AME who I worked with and nothing). Any suggestions or advice on what I should do or what options I have, im completely new to most of this and have nobody who knows about this.
If your AME has not responded to an email, I would make a phone call(s) until you get a reply. I presume that potential pilots that have Turner's are rare and the FAA has to make sure of the course they want you to follow to insure that you will be able to be a competent/safe pilot. I would expect them to want a cardiologist's evaluation/ecg/echo/possible stress angiogram. Also probable neurocognitive testing. I would expect the letter you receive may ask for many of these items in order for further consideration and want them in 6 weeks. Don't despair if that happens as your AME will assist you in getting allowance for the time needed for additional documentation. This could take a while...a long while, but if you are really committed, don't give up.
If the school insists on a medical, you have an option while waiting. I'm assuming this is a Part 141 program. The FAA does not require you to have a current medical until solo. Which means you can take lessons up to that point. However the school may require the medical. In that case, ask about a Part 61 program at the school. If they are unwilling, then go find a Part 61 school or program, and take lessons until you reach solo. Hopefully, the medical issue will be resolved in your favor.

Where are you located?
If the school insists on a medical, you have an option while waiting. I'm assuming this is a Part 141 program. The FAA does not require you to have a current medical until solo. Which means you can take lessons up to that point. However the school may require the medical. In that case, ask about a Part 61 program at the school. If they are unwilling, then go find a Part 61 school or program, and take lessons until you reach solo. Hopefully, the medical issue will be resolved in your favor.

Where are you located?
Im located in Austin actually is there any part 61 Im not 100% All I have seen was two the rest are far
If your AME has not responded to an email, I would make a phone call(s) until you get a reply. I presume that potential pilots that have Turner's are rare and the FAA has to make sure of the course they want you to follow to insure that you will be able to be a competent/safe pilot. I would expect them to want a cardiologist's evaluation/ecg/echo/possible stress angiogram. Also probable neurocognitive testing. I would expect the letter you receive may ask for many of these items in order for further consideration and want them in 6 weeks. Don't despair if that happens as your AME will assist you in getting allowance for the time needed for additional documentation. This could take a while...a long while, but if you are really committed, don't give up.F
If the school insists on a medical, you have an option while waiting. I'm assuming this is a Part 141 program. The FAA does not require you to have a current medical until solo. Which means you can take lessons up to that point. However the school may require the medical. In that case, ask about a Part 61 program at the school. If they are unwilling, then go find a Part 61 school or program, and take lessons until you reach solo. Hopefully, the medical issue will be resolved in your favor.

Where are you located?
For sure Ill try getting this ames info! For some reason I can’t find it anywhere.
Im located in Austin actually is there any part 61 Im not 100% All I have seen was two the rest are far
I see lots of schools within a reasonable distance. I consider Georgetown and San Marcos reasonable distance. I live 30 min away from my airport, no big deal. I worry about the phrase "assign an instructor", this implies a pro pilot program. Sitting next to someone in cramped airplane is not how you want to discover you don't like them, for whatever reason. Here's what I found in 10 min:

Above & beyond - looks good, lots of 172s
Aeroguard - geared to pro pilot, archers, obviously part 141
Aeropro & Vectored - cirrus, too expensive. no need to spend $425+ an hour rental as a beginner
Austin acadmy - san marcos isn't that unreasonable, more 172s
ATP - avoid like the plague!
Black hound - san marcos part 61, smaller with 172s
Coast Flight - another pro pilot
Final approach - not much detail on website, requires medical by 2nd lesson, which I consider unreasonable but I understand.
Genesis - georgetown, 172s, rental price a bit higher but not outrageous
Pilots choice - georgetown, pipers, affiliated with Libery U
Texas state - AustinCC & TSU

I'd find a part 61 school, talk to both the school and 2-3 of the instructors, see who you feel comfortable with.
I see lots of schools within a reasonable distance. I consider Georgetown and San Marcos reasonable distance. I live 30 min away from my airport, no big deal. I worry about the phrase "assign an instructor", this implies a pro pilot program. Sitting next to someone in cramped airplane is not how you want to discover you don't like them, for whatever reason. Here's what I found in 10 min:

Above & beyond - looks good, lots of 172s
Aeroguard - geared to pro pilot, archers, obviously part 141
Aeropro & Vectored - cirrus, too expensive. no need to spend $425+ an hour rental as a beginner
Austin acadmy - san marcos isn't that unreasonable, more 172s
ATP - avoid like the plague!
Black hound - san marcos part 61, smaller with 172s
Coast Flight - another pro pilot
Final approach - not much detail on website, requires medical by 2nd lesson, which I consider unreasonable but I understand.
Genesis - georgetown, 172s, rental price a bit higher but not outrageous
Pilots choice - georgetown, pipers, affiliated with Libery U
Texas state - AustinCC & TSU

I'd find a part 61 school, talk to both the school and 2-3 of the instructors, see who you feel comfortable with.
Hii yes Im actually working with above and beyond! I have contacted Aeropro, and black hound. Will 100% research on the others. Thank you so much for the help and information!
Im located in Austin actually is there any part 61 Im not 100% All I have seen was two the rest are far

Like others said Georgetown or San Marcos depending where you live in Austin. The Georgetown airport is just west of I-35 around highway 29; the San Marcos airport is east of 35 of TX80. Pick whichever one you want to commute to over the next 6-9 months.

Unless you’ve got money to burn, avoid part 141 programs and avoid Cirrus airplanes. The going rate for a 172 around here is ~$180/hr wet and instructors are about $69/hr. Budget $15K for a private pilot rating and be happy if you come in under it.