Fires from the sky

I've seen San Diego completely surrounded by fire, more than once. In 1972 the city was surrounded, the sun was just a dull orange ball in the sky. White ash covered everything, like snow. Nobody except fire fighters were flying. For all practical purposes, GA was grounded.

Same thing a couple of years ago. My brother lived in a suburb of San Diego, the fires came within a block of his house. He was one of the lucky ones. I've always lived on a peninsula called Point Loma. The fires never seem to get close to my home. Smoke during fire season is pretty common to GA in this area.

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Ah, ya gotta love NJ... or not.

How about this? I'd certainly call those fires, and what they do to put them out is incredible! They do VFR with IFR inside, not on top :)

You notice I don't live there any more. I got out the day after I graduated HS, literally.

Wise move. I don't even like to fly over NJ.

Gary S. has a great story about how ridiculously dirty the Newark area is. I have to fly to that $h!thole 3-4 times a day, and there are many ways in which I want to kill myself as a result.