
Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I dont have most states loaded including Wisconsin.
How does FF show all of that state including Osh, in such detail on LE and vfr charts??
I dont have most states loaded including Wisconsin.
How does FF show all of that state including Osh, in such detail on LE and vfr charts??

If you're sitting at home and have Internet via Wifi, or have cellular data, it'll "grab" things it needs if you zoom in on any particular location. Even if you haven't told it to download them.
was wondering,
So will it retain those places if I go into airlane mode?
was wondering,
So will it retain those places if I go into airlane mode?

I'd have to think too hard to remember on that one... but it'll whine if a map or area are out of date with a big red warning, so the easiest way to find out is to just hit the Airplane Mode button and then put your flightplan in that is "out of area" for the places you have set to download, and see if it complains.

There's also the VERY useful and handy "Pack" tool which I always use on any longer than "close to home" flight plans/X-C trips, which will just go grab everything you need for that flight planned route. I think if you're going to an area you don't normally download it also downloads at least some of the charts... including approach stuff if IFR for the far away airport, but ... I'd poke at it to double-check everything I wanted/needed was there...
Trust FF just as far as you trust your cert. If you haven't told software to do something it won't do it.
Trust FF just as far as you trust your cert. If you haven't told software to do something it won't do it.

I trust my certificate. Unlike FF, it works completely as designed and I don't pay $199 a year for it to screw up.
Like Google and FB (and quickly, Linked In) - tell it not to track you and it does anyway.

I was thinking stuff that's mission critical that pays bills, not social media sites I can just ignore and leave if I want to.
Hell most software these days you can't even trust it to do what you told it to! Haha.

LOL...most software I am forced to deal with does stuff I didn't ask for, simply because it thinks it is smarter than I am.