FF GPS accuracy


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I am getting this message on my CloudAhoy tracks:
GPS:_Internal GPS poor accuracy (0% / 24%)
although there is no problem enroute.
Any comments?

FF 4.x
Ipad 2 (gps, 3G)
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I am getting this message on my CloudAhoy tracks:
GPS:_Internal GPS poor accuracy (0% / 24%)
although there is no problem enroute.
Any comments?

FF 4.x
Ipad 2 (gps, 3G)

I've flown a good bit with Foreflight and have never seen such a message. Where do you fly and if not when enroute, when and where are you seeing this error?
Foreflight doesn't display it as a message. Just as a color change in the HUD for the GPS derived data and they'll change the Airplane symbol to a dot on the map. Dot means lower accuracy. Airplane means higher.

The accuracy number comes from the Apple API the App is talking to. The Apps don't directly interact with the GPS raw data in their code, that I know of.
You learn something new every day around here! I have never seen anything but a little blue airplane. Did a short cross country yesterday and it worked flawlessly with a little blue plane all the way, or at least when I looked at it. I picked up a heading and flew the heading to my destination only glancing at the IPad a few times. I was pretty much on course so I continued flying the heading. With a big lake as a landmark, and only flying 70NM it was kind of hard to miss.

Keep us posted on what you find out.
Is it possible that it is trying to get position data from the towers on 3g instead of the actual GPS ?

I noticed that playing with Naviator on my Droid. Once I hit 3k feet , the tracks would be hit or miss. But when disabling position reporting via network ( or something like that), it would work great on gps only.
The message he posted is coming from cloudahoy, not foreflight.

Get a bad elf or external GPS, they have better accuracy
My one cloud ahoy test so far, iPhone in my shirt pocket, says gps reliability 0% but it captured most of the flight with reasonable accuracy, except for steep turns and maneuvers. Next time I'll try the phone on the glare shield.
Get a bad elf or external GPS, they have better accuracy

No plans to. Device is working 100%.
Just wondering why CA is giving the poor signal message. Will contact CA.