FAA testing of laptops w/Lithium batteries in checked baggage


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Interesting but not unsurprising result.


Lithium batteries in laptops inside typically packed checked luggage, when forced into thermal runway with a heater for testing, will probably compromise a commercial aircraft.

With some laptops now having a "wake up and check emails and stuff and then go back to sleep" mode as a default.

With so many people not even knowing how to pick their own noses, let alone set such settings on or off on a laptop in the power settings... and proud of being that dumb...

Laptop wakes up, something in the OS crashes, laptop stays on, overheats because it's surrounded by the owner's underoos... battery thermally runs away before the CPU temp cutout or battery sensor cutout occurs or the OS lockup means neither works...

Here's hoping the manufacturers do the thermal sensors right...
That whole laptop security issue has just been a boondoggle. Thankfully they've realized that you can't just shove several hundred laptops and tablets under the plane.
That whole laptop security issue has just been a boondoggle. Thankfully they've realized that you can't just shove several hundred laptops and tablets under the plane.
Yeah, doing that sure doesn't sound like a safety improvement!
Which is precisely one of the reasons why some of us objected so strongly to the TSA/DHS order that laptops be placed in check bags instead of the cabin from certain places overseas.