Ex-marine planning to take control of airliner arrested after fight with TSA agent!

Re: Ex-marine planning to take control of airliner arrested after fight with TSA agen

My senior design project was over something like this. This company was claiming huge MPG increases on big diesel trucks if you installed their system that created the hydrogen through electrolysis on-board. No other modifications just plug this in and get 15% increases. We found through numbers and testing that you get something around a .0000002% increase. Combined with the ~30 amps it took to make the hydrogen I think they came up a bit short.

I think I read somewhere (high school physics class?) that there's a law against obtaining energy from nothing. I guess that law was still in effect when you did that analysis.
Re: Ex-marine planning to take control of airliner arrested after fight with TSA agen

I think I read somewhere (high school physics class?) that there's a law against obtaining energy from nothing. I guess that law was still in effect when you did that analysis.

That law only applies in your reality. The believers will tell you that any such argument can be countered by the possibility of other realities.

Re: Ex-marine planning to take control of airliner arrested after fight with TSA agen

I think I read somewhere (high school physics class?) that there's a law against obtaining energy from nothing. I guess that law was still in effect when you did that analysis.
Agree. The trick is to either be more efficient -- or find some hidden form of energy you were unaware of that you can then capture.

Personally, being a realist, I tend to support being more efficient. That said, I wouldn't mind it if someone could find some hidden form of energy :)