Drone Rating


Ejection Handle Pulled
Jul 8, 2008
Grass Valley, CA (KGOO)
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Is the drone rating an add-on to the current private/commercial ticket or is it a completely separate rating? How about drone instructor rating to the CFI(I)?


Is the drone rating an add-on to the current private/commercial ticket or is it a completely separate rating? How about drone instructor rating to the CFI(I)?


It's completely separate. You get a Remote Pilot certificate that is separate from your regular pilot certificate. I was not aware there was such a thing as a drone instructor rating.
Cool. I'm gonna go get my drone rating to extend my BFR a couple of years. <runs off, arms flailing, whistling tunelessly>
It's not a "drone." And, it's not a license.

OK, how about an RPV certificate?

I'm hearing that it is another green plastic card and not a rating on the private/commercial airplane/glider certificate. And I never said that there was a RPV instructor rating/certificate, just asked if there is such a rating to add to the current certificate. Seems to be a lot of misinformation floating about.

Yes. You should get one if you are already a pilot. Two hours of study, max. Then any flight instructor can do the IACRA "paperwork."

"Remote Pilot Certificate", it is a new/different certificate number from your pilot certificate.
Diffrent card



Also don't think there is a drone CFI...yet