Dreaming of a "toy" plane...

Hey what's the Yak 52TW like?

FUN! It was 450 HP, which I understand is more than the regular Yak 52.

I only flew it once and didn't do the takeoff or landing, so I can't speak for its characteristics there, other than the pilot telling me it will sink like a brick. I do remember the controls feeling "just right" more than any other airplane I'd flown before, as in their harmony/heaviness/effectiveness etc. I remember not having to touch the trim despite flying through a wide range of airspeeds. I thought it was very easy to fly.
FUN! It was 450 HP, which I understand is more than the regular Yak 52.

I only flew it once and didn't do the takeoff or landing, so I can't speak for its characteristics there, other than the pilot telling me it will sink like a brick. I do remember the controls feeling "just right" more than any other airplane I'd flown before, as in their harmony/heaviness/effectiveness etc. I remember not having to touch the trim despite flying through a wide range of airspeeds. I thought it was very easy to fly.

Holy ****. That is the R spec M14 engine, the ultimate of the series. I bet it went well!! The TW is alot cleaner than the normal '52, and cruises alot faster on the same fuel consumption. Our's has the standard M14P, which is 360hp, still goes great, good for advanced level competition, it's just I need to get onto that level myself!!!
The good thing with the standard tricycle gear 52 is they are so much cheaper than the TW/TD models, of course, the taildragger looks much nicer, but the whole semi-retractable gear deal has grown on me I must say. I have friends with the Nanchang, and as nice as they are to fly, they are nothing like as agile as the Yak! :)
check out www.warbirdsovernewzealand.com/yak/yak.htm for some pics taken of me muckin' about in our machine.
I'd love to have a crack in one of those. :D

cheers kate,

Welcome aboard! We have a number of people here who have either lived in or visited NZ! Leslie and I were down there a couple of years ago and got our NZ Pilot Certificates and did some flying around the South Island. We have very little experience with acro, though!

Cool, I am based in Queenstown so if you are ever back in these parts do give us a buzz.