Don't hit the powerlines!!


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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Okay...humor me on this one...

I laugh at this every time I drive up/down I-44. This is a view to the south, off the I-44 bridge at the Gasconade River (between Lebanon, MO and Ft. Leonard Wood, MO). I took this photo while driving. I would love to stand on the I-44 bridge and get a better photo of this but the right shoulder on this bridge is only about 3' wide and I haven't had a death wish recently.

The bridge you're looking at is the old Route 66 bridge. Note the orange "ball of life" hanging on powerline. I've titled this view:

"Don't hit the powerlines...but never mind the friggin' bridge"

Yeah, I know, I have a warped sense of humor.

Better offerings for photo captions welcome.
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Okay...humor me on this one...

I laugh at this every time I drive up/down I-44. This is a view to the south, off the I-44 bridge at the Gasconade River (between Lebanon, MO and Ft. Leonard Wood, MO). I took this photo while driving. I would love to stand on the I-44 bridge and get a better photo of this but the right shoulder on this bridge is only about 3' wide and I haven't had a death wish recently.

The bridge you're looking at is the old Route 66 bridge. Note the orange "ball of life" hanging on powerline. I've titled this view:

"Don't hit the powerlines...but never mind the friggin' bridge"

Yeah, I know, I have a warped sense of humor.

Better offerings for photo captions welcome.

Well, you're missing the GREEN ball! It's supposed to be to the right of the slot that you fly through. You see, they already sloped the trestle with a notch in the middle to aim for!:yes::D:goofy:
Maybe it is for tall boats that could clear the bridge but not the lines.
i think i could fit under that bridge :)

lets find out.....gear up...