Diet triggers false drink test for Virgin pilot

While low carb diets would possibly give your breath a ketone smell (um, kinda like acetone, maybe) it wouldn't smell like ethanol. I can't imagine that would be sufficient to register on an intoxilyzer or even a alcosensor (which is much less specific). Hmm. But there ya have it, it did anyway, whether it would surprise me or not! I reckon his blood test told the tale! Something to remember! :eek:
Just eat lots of popy seeds all the time and then demand a blood test after refusing a field sobriety test and breath analyzer. That will take the pressure off accusatons of being drunk. :)
Sounds fishy to me.

I am not as "up" on PBT technology as actual Intoxilizer (more sophisticated unit) technology, but there is NO WAY that would have registered on an intoxilizer.

I bet there are some PO'd detectives somewheres.