Darwin Award Entry

Thinning the herd.

He is not the first to pull this stunt:




Across the nation, there have been about 10 electrocutions reported this year (2006) during copper-wire thefts. In Washington, a man died in October while attempting to steal copper grounding wire from a Clark County regulator station.

There was an article recently in the Cincinnati paper that copper thieves stole 2000' of fiber optic cable from a Verizon facility, thinking it was copper. Oops.
Over-qualified in my opinion.

I heard a story sometime back where thieves ripped out all the copper plumbing in a cold storage food locker. As a result, several hundred thousand in food for homeless and low-income had spoiled.
This guys has got to be a finalist


What an electrifying story! I was quit shocked to hear the charge of theft against this former 'current person', now deceased. I wonder if the authorities wired his relatives to let them know that he had failed in his resistance to death. It is too bad that some people put all their energy in being bad instead of conducting themselves in a manner more fitting, in the hopes of becoming a Joule to society.
What an electrifying story! I was quit shocked to hear the charge of theft against this former 'current person', now deceased. I wonder if the authorities wired his relatives to let them know that he had failed in his resistance to death. It is too bad that some people put all their energy in being bad instead of conducting themselves in a manner more fitting, in the hopes of becoming a Joule to society.

LOL. You're dead right, Scott. I'm all charged up after reading that article at ohm. Now some are probably saying "Watts the big deal?". But I bet Larry, Curly and Mho as well as King Farad got juiced up from it too... :lightning:
LOL. You're dead right, Scott. I'm all charged up after reading that article at ohm. Now some are probably saying "Watts the big deal?". But I bet Larry, Curly and Mho as well as King Farad got juiced up from it too... :lightning:

Now his family at ohm knows watt the reason is he didn't get insulate.