Dallas Folks...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
I may have to make a biz trip on the week of the 6th to your fine city. Things are still fluid - if the trip happens, depending on schedule, I may be do a dinner one night or a lunch one day. I'll only be there one night... so dinner and/or lunch will depend on biz commitments.

Anyone be around? No need for balsamic vinegar on dessert... :rofl:

Would dearly love to see you if time, tide and schedule allow.

I'd make you fly somewhere, but you'd melt. So would I.

Would dearly love to see you if time, tide and schedule allow.

I'd make you fly somewhere, but you'd melt. So would I.

Hey. I flew to KBAZ today and didn't melt. It was actually a little cooler down there. But I did smell pretty bad all afternoon.
Unfortunately, I'll be on an airline. Will let you guys know as schedule firms up.
Dave, Spike, Troy (in alfabetical order):

Thanks for making the time for breakfast today. Great to see you all, and great to finally meet you Troy. Let's plan on doing it again next time I'm in Dallas!
Put me on roster for next time
Hey Guys, I'll actually be in Dallas this weekend and pretty much have all day Sunday free to grab brunch/lunch, watch football, talk about flying, etc. We're heading up there so my wife can go to her best friend's baby shower. Is anyone up for getting together?
Hey Guys, I'll actually be in Dallas this weekend and pretty much have all day Sunday free to grab brunch/lunch, watch football, talk about flying, etc. We're heading up there so my wife can go to her best friend's baby shower. Is anyone up for getting together?

You bet. Are you free while she's at the baby shower? Or will it be you and your wife on Sunday, baby shower Saturday?
I'm game

Troy, don't forget to pass announcements like this over to the DFWPilots.com board.
Lemme know where/when and I'll try to be there. My wife and I are "passing each other in transition" between business trips this weekend, so I may be kinda tied up . . . :D
You bet. Are you free while she's at the baby shower? Or will it be you and your wife on Sunday, baby shower Saturday?

oh dear sweet Jesus if PJ is being dragged to the baby shower maybe you all should organize a kidnapping
You bet. Are you free while she's at the baby shower? Or will it be you and your wife on Sunday, baby shower Saturday?

Baby shower is on Sunday afternoon, so Saturday we'll be driving up there and spending time with her friends.

oh dear sweet Jesus if PJ is being dragged to the baby shower maybe you all should organize a kidnapping

Ha ha, thanks for the concern Tony. No, I don't have to go to the shower itself.

I barely get to THIS board--I've only been to DFWPilots.com a couple of times, I think to post about Gaston's and the Poker Run.

I hear you there. I think this week was the first time I've been on this board in at least 6 months! I do almost all of my posting on Facebook these days.

If you guys want to have some food and watch football, let's get a booth at Bone Daddy's in Grapevine... central location to Dallas and Fort Worth, GREAT tall cold beers and food, and lots of screens. The help's pretty good, too.


Sounds good to me! Troy, it's actually Kevin & his wife that we're coming up to see, so I'll probably invite him to come along too. Though he'll have their son with him, so he might not want to bring the kid to this place. But, I'll leave that up to him. I'm fine with going to this place!
Facebook confuses me.
So BoneDaddy's? Day and Time?
I think so. Sunday, Sept. 11, wanna say around noonish?

That works. And if this location is deemed unsuitable by your friend--though there are lots of families with kids there when I've visited--we could go to Red Robin across the street, which also has good food, burgers, salads and multitudes of screens showing sports.

Just report back here which one it will be! See you Sunday.
So we're locked and loaded for Sunday, Noon, Bone Daddy's in Grapevine?

Or we doing Red Robin?
Bone Daddy's it is! Kevin's still a maybe, but either way that's where we're going!
Bone Daddy's it is! Kevin's still a maybe, but either way that's where we're going!

See you at noon! Let's get a quick "I plan to be there" call, so I can ask for the correct number of seats. When you get there, tell the server you're looking for "Troy's party".