Curb Your Intelligence - Radio Broadcasts

By the way, for the record, since I don't think the 3rd one is a commonly known term:
Main Entry: ho·me·op·a·thy
Pronunciation: "hO-mE-'ä-p&-thE, "hä-
Function: noun
Etymology: German Homöopathie, from homöo- homeo- + -pathie -pathy
: a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease
Think these folks vote?
This is Baltimore. They probably vote twice!
I do have some really funny stuff from radio broadcasts. But it's not suitable for online listening.....
Steve Allen used to go out on the street and ask people if heterosexuals should be allowed to marry.


How about homosapiens?
I thought this was pretty cute (although Im sure it will annoy 1.4% of the population).

Shoot, how do you attach an MP3?