Com Antennas on 1980 Cessna 182RG

Marc Elliott

Filing Flight Plan
Jul 3, 2017
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Marc Elliott
I have just recently purchased a 1980 Cessna 182RG. My plane does not have the white Com antennas on top of the wing. I think these are the Com antennas, that is. What I'm referring to are the two white antennas that are mounted on top of the wing that are about 12 to 15 inches in height that angle backwards towards the tail. It seems that every other Cessna 182 and 172 for that matter all have those antennas mounted there. I have yet to see a single picture of another 182 or 172 that does not have those antennas in that location and using that type of antenna. I'm sure the antennas are there somewhere either located in the wings or in the tail somewhere. I've not owned the plane long enough to know whether I have an acceptable range using the antennas as currently installed. It just seems to me that somewhere along the way that Cessna must have decided that those antennas function best if they are located on top of the wing using those type of antennas. I'm trying to decide whether to install new antennas on the wing top just as it seems every other one is installed. If anyone has any light they could shed on this question, I'd be much appreciative.
Welcome aboard, Marc! Can't say that I've ever seen an 172 or 182 without those antennae either, but I'm sure there are other solutions that work.

Enjoy the R182! I think we're on our third year with ours, and have had it to both coasts from Ohio. Great airplane!

There aren't a hell of a lot of places to hide a com antenna on a 17/8/2. Fiberglass wingtips perhaps. Fairing on the vertical fin, perhaps. Did you look on the belly? Is there anything down there that is about 19-20" long?

Are there any small teardrop patches on the top of the wing, just about over the pilot/copilot's heads where somebody took com antennas off?

1) Are there covers on the top of the wing where the antenna used to be? I agree I've never seen one from the factory without those.
2) Do you see anything one of these on the plane:
(do not confuse with transponder antenna, which is usually a short blade or a short vertical with a ball at the end, or the ELT antenna, which usually on the top of the fuselage, about 1/2 way to the tail)
3) anything in the logbook?

My guess is there are blade antenna somewhere, because someone thought it would be lower drag.
Did you ever determine what they are?
Resurrecting an old thread here. I just Bought a TR182 and it also does not have the comm antennas mounted anywhere visual. The GPS antennas now occupy the position the comm antennas previous did. The only place I can imagine they would be placed is in the leading edge of the vertical.
Resurrecting an old thread here. I just Bought a TR182 and it also does not have the comm antennas mounted anywhere visual. The GPS antennas now occupy the position the comm antennas previous did. The only place I can imagine they would be placed is in the leading edge of the vertical.

Revived a four year old one. Wow. Ha.

Should be easy to look back there behind the plastic.
Resurrecting an old thread here. I just Bought a TR182 and it also does not have the comm antennas mounted anywhere visual. The GPS antennas now occupy the position the comm antennas previous did. The only place I can imagine they would be placed is in the leading edge of the vertical.
Did you figure out where they are?