Club websites - cool features


Pattern Altitude
Oct 20, 2010
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Was in the chat room again and one of the members showed me their club site which had wind and what it looked like for the airplane it was all quite concise and easy to read. So if your club has a website and you think a certain part is really cool and you don't mind if our club does the same thing then let me know what it is.

This is one in New Jersey
Originally, I was going to setup my CTsw as a partnership, so I setup a website where the membership could access stuff. Well, I ended up going solo on the plane, so the website hasn't been needed...
But, it did/does have some cool stuff...
* Public and Private areas
* Pictures and information
* Links to weather and flight planning
* Safety Training info and links
* link to scheduling calendar
* all manuals in PDF, for airplane, avionics, and everything
* Squawks
* Spreadsheets with financial info
* Mexico Flying information
* Airplane and hangar inventory
* Webmail link for airplane domain name email
* Weight/Balance spreadsheet
* Flight Log
'Was easily setup using a Wiki format, so it can be edited from anywhere. But a WordPress site would work well, too.
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