Cliff's Notes NOTAM


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Here's my version of the Fisk VFR arrival and all of the associated approaches, boiled down to a single easy-to-read page so you can keep your head outside the cockpit.

Note that this is NOT a substitute for the actual NOTAM, just a quickie cheat-sheet to remind you of how things are supposed to go so that you can keep your head outside the cockpit.

Enjoy. Comments/suggestions welcome.


  • OSH07 simplified.pdf
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Nice work, Kent. Succinct and (to my initial analysis) spot-on. Wish I had cause to use it!

Next year.

BTW, what graphics program did you use to create it?
Nice work, Kent. Succinct and (to my initial analysis) spot-on. Wish I had cause to use it!

Next year.

BTW, what graphics program did you use to create it?

OmniGraffle. It's from the Omni Group, which makes some really nice productivity tools. It's reasonably priced ($80) and easy to use.

Once I finished, I just "printed" it to a PDF file.

But, it's Mac OS X only. Sorry. :D

How 'ya likin' Safari so far?
If you time it to land 10 minutes before the field closes you can avoid all that fancy routing and get a "straight-in"...those controller have brats and beer waiting, too, ya know!

If you time it to land 10 minutes before the field closes you can avoid all that fancy routing and get a "straight-in"...those controller have brats and beer waiting, too, ya know!


We saw a Long-EZ barrel past Fisk at 19:58 at what had to be 150 knots trying to get down and prop off in time. Guess he made it.
Thanks for the cheat sheet. I'm fortunate enough to be able to drive to OSH for AirVenture, and don't yet have the nerve to fly there. However, after reading this board and seeing the traffic at AirVenture, I feel like I'm missing out on a great experience. So, I received the NOTAM from the EAA, and along with this tool, I plan to fly the Ripon/Fisk approach (absent the Fisk controllers) on several short XC's in the coming year to get comfortable with the visual cues. Of course there will be a few less airplanes in the air ...
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