Cessnas 2 Oshkosh Dothan Formation Clinic


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 6, 2005
Jersey City, NJ
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Our first Dothan Formation Flight Training Clinic in preparation for our mass arrival on July 24th, will take place on April 3rd at Dothan Regional Airport (KDHN) in Dothan, Alabama. The clinic will start at 9:00 AM CDT. Participants will meet at FlightLine of Dothan. Please mark your calendar, if you haven’t done so yet. Rodney Swanson, our Director of Training and Operations will be the host and lead pilot for the clinic.

Register to participate in the Dothan Formation Flight Training Clinic as soon as possible. Among other things, we need to have a precise head count to plan the practice flights and pair each first-time pilot with an experienced safety pilot.

If you have already registered to fly the arrival this year, register to attend the clinic by following this link: Clinic Registration. If you have not registered to fly the arrival yet, you may register for the arrival and the clinic at the same time by following this link: Mass Arrival Registration.

To prepare for the clinic and save ground “classroom” time, review the Formation Flight Slide Presentation prepared by Rodney Swanson, our Director of Training and Operations, available on our website, or by following this link: Rodney's Slide Presentation. As questions come to mind, make a written or mental note of it, and bring your questions to the clinic. We’ll make the ground presentation an interactive one. In addition, download the Formation Flight and Practice Waiver and the Formation Briefing Card which you may find on our website or by following this link: Formation Flight and Practice Waiver and the Formation Briefing Card. You should bring these documents with you to the clinic. Bring one formation waiver for you and one for each passenger flying the practice flights. Bring as many formation briefing cards as you want.

Please try to be on the ground at FlightLine of Dothan by 8:30 AM CDT for coffee and donuts, and get acquainted with your fellow pilots. The clinic will start on time at 9:00 AM CDT. Following is a preliminary program for the day. Rodney will send each registered pilot the final program for the day within 7 to 10 days.

09:00 - 10:30 Ground (“classroom”) Slide Presentation
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15 Ramp Exercise
11:15 - 11:45 Questions and Answers
11:45 - 12:30 Practice Flight Briefing
12:30 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 13:45 First Practice Flight
13:45 - 14:30 Second Practice Flight
14:30 - 15:00 Practice Flights Debriefing
15:00 - 15:15 Wrap-up & Good By

Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a fun-filled flying day, sharpen your pilot skills, and meet one of the requirements to fly the Cessnas 2 Oshkosh Mass Arrival.