Cessna get Columbia


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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I see that Cessna got the bid for Columbia. Not too bad of a price either, 26 million ish according to aero news. Should be interesting to see what comes.
Well Cessna needed to get a way to having a superior low wing design. Even they know that it the way real pilots want their airplanes ;) ;) ;)

Right ED??!!!
Well, NGP was proving to be a bust, so getting an already certified airframe was a good investment. And the Columbia is, in many ways, superior to the Cirrus, Columbia just didn't have the marketing moxie Cirrus demonstrated. Maybe Cessna will have better luck.
Well Cessna needed to get a way to having a superior low wing design. Even they know that it the way real pilots want their airplanes ;) ;) ;)

Right ED??!!!

I thought that the Cessna Citation X's wing had a pretty good design.
Naw, China.

They did say it would be a foreign manufacturer. But if China, there will probably be a consumer recall for too much lead in the paint.

That wouldn't be an issue if you guys wouldn't chew on your airplanes!
I am certainly pleased with the outcome; more and better customer service, deep pockets, and proven management!
i wonder where final assembly will be. im sure it will have to be here in the states. doubt they could fly those things over. sure would be fun though
i wonder where final assembly will be. im sure it will have to be here in the states. doubt they could fly those things over. sure would be fun though

Across the ocean at 87 knots??? Dude, you have a pretty f'ed up idea of "fun!" :eek: ;)
I thought that the Cessna Citation X's wing had a pretty good design.

They had some serious problems in the beginning of flight tests though. I understand it took a long time before they were carrier qualified.
