Caught my kids on the web tonight.........

Keith Lane

Pattern Altitude
Feb 25, 2005
Conyers, Georgia
Display Name

Display name:
Keith Lane
But not like you might think,
Like Al Gore I built this one. It's 9 feet high and 6 feet wide. It's a birthday present for my son, who'll be 5 on wednesday.
That's 110 feet of 3/4" poly rope. My arms were so sore from all those knots, I could hardly get them over my head yesterday. You have to tie them all about three times. But the fun they're having makes it all worth it.

Clever! Are you going to leave that up all year?
Carol said:
Clever! Are you going to leave that up all year?

Yes. My wife found the design in a landscape designs for kids book at the library. She takes both the kids there every Wednesday (they are homeschooled). Spiderman looms large in my son's world right now as do all superheros. When she saw it she knew she had a great birthday present and volunteered me to build it. It has been a huge hit. So much so I had to put a three kid limit when the neighbors kids are there. Those posts are 12 feet long, buried 3 feet in the ground in concrete. Still though........... A Dad worries.
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