Calling Massachussetts Pilots (Shrewsbury)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
Had the pleasure of going to my cousins 40th anniversary party today a BBQ very close to KABE. Of course everyone asked If I flew in. (couldn't get the plane grrrr) Anyway I met one of my other and younger cousins husbands for the first time. She told me and he confirmed that he as always dreamed about learing to fly. I spoke to him and encourage him to go for it. I told him I'd see if anyone from the board might be able to let him ride along on on of their next flights just so he can see what its like. This really got him psyched.

I know he could get a "project pilot' flight somewhere but I thought that it might mean more and have a greater chance of getting him into lessons if he actually met someone up in Mass who is a pilot a mentor as such. So if anyone is able and williing to take him up please let me know. Mitch lives in a town called Shrewsbury Mass. It seems pretty close to Worcester so I guess that is the local field.
KORH, Worcester, had a flight school there 5 years ago... when I last flew there. That's about 15 minutes from Shrewsbury.


I'd be happy to help, but I'll be away till the 22nd or so. Let me know what I can do