Buying my last plane first.


Jun 29, 2013
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Thinking about buying this. I think it will meet all my needs. May have some issues finding parts anyone of you guys know can do a pre-buy for me. :D

Pre-buy needed.
Thinking about buying this. I think it will meet all my needs. May have some issues finding parts anyone of you guys know can do a pre-buy for me. :D

Pre-buy needed.

A big reason it's sitting is the engines which are among the worst radials ever built. They are constantly overheating , blowing cylinders, etc. wonderful airplane but bad engines. Probably worth one-two hundred grand tops. Plenty of people know how to repair it if you have millions.
Thinking about buying this. I think it will meet all my needs. May have some issues finding parts anyone of you guys know can do a pre-buy for me. :D

Pre-buy needed.

Go for it. Don't listen to people that have never flown one. If you run it LOP you'll do fine and get plenty of service. Do they have scans of the logbooks? Perhaps order a CD from the FAA. Get a borescope inspection and do your due dilligence. Me, i'd just show up and fly it out. :rofl:
Im good for 1/4 ownership. We can get a ferry permit and fly it out...
Go for it. Don't listen to people that have never flown one. If you run it LOP you'll do fine and get plenty of service. Do they have scans of the logbooks? Perhaps order a CD from the FAA. Get a borescope inspection and do your due dilligence. Me, i'd just show up and fly it out. :rofl:

Post of the year!
That one looks a little small for me, I'll pick up one of the current 47's in a few years after the POTUS gets his new ones...
A few years ago.....a dedicated group from Australia came to Davis Mothan and fixed up a super Connie. There was a TV doc. About it. I think Lockeed even painted it free in quantas colors. Beautiful. They finally flew it home but it wasa long struggle to fix it.