Buying 1st Plane vs. Flying Club?

It definitely matters where you are. I never had an issue getting a plane around here, but the there are so many aircraft for rent in the SF Bay Area. With 47 aircraft at the club I did most of my renting from, finding a plane wasn't a big problem. I routinely booked the plane on my phone's browser on the way to the airport on a whim. It did help that I like lots of different types, so I had checkouts for at least half the fleet (currency was a separate problem, though).

Now, if there were only two or three aircraft available, I'd probably have been losing my mind and been right where you are.

Wow 47 aircraft...holy cow...yea 2 or 3 aircraft is typically what you get around here and if you don't book 2 weeks in advance your lucky to get one.
Wow 47 aircraft...holy cow...yea 2 or 3 aircraft is typically what you get around here and if you don't book 2 weeks in advance your lucky to get one.

And it's one of FIVE clubs at PAO. All busy. At SQL next door, they have competition from two other clubs as well, both also busy. Where I am at RHV (though moving to PAO), there are four clubs/schools/fbos. So, yeah, I can't complain about availability around here.