British Pilot fed up?

Keith Lane

Pattern Altitude
Feb 25, 2005
Conyers, Georgia
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Display name:
Keith Lane
From AVWeb
Looks like somebody hasn't had his tea today.....

I hope he wins this one. I'm sure there are a lot of pilots who would love to sue somebody.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,geneva]British Pilots Lose Patience[/FONT]

Meanwhile, across the pond, airline officials and pilots are fed up with security measures and delays. RyanAir CEO Michael O'Leary said last week that measures such as banning shampoo and lipstick in carry-on bags are "farcical, Keystone Cops-like and completely insane and ineffectual.... We are not in danger of dying at the hands of toiletries." He said he would sue the government if security is not restored to normal levels within a week. His airline lost about £2 million during the latest security crisis. Pilots also have been banned from taking contact-lens solution into the cockpit, The Mirror reported. "There is no logic at all in this," said Capt Mervyn Granshaw. Another pilot told the Sunday Herald it was ironic that his glasses were taken away for security reasons. "While my glasses were deemed potentially deadly dangerous items, I once again took my seat at the controls of 185,000 kilos of aeroplane, people and fuel and managed to restrain myself from taking the crash axe to all and sundry prior to rolling, inverted and diving, into the Channel," he said. Another pilot said: "It's high time BALPA [the British pilot's union] and our representatives exposed these shameful rules for what they are -- some half-witted mandarins making up petty and useless rules to justify their existence, with equally inept and stupid people interpreting the rules."

Ryanair put some pretty risque stuff up on their website this week. Some of it's been removed, but it was to the point.

If the head of Ryanair were doing that in the US, I'd imagine that the politicos would roast him on a proverbial spit....
ya gotta love the Brits. straight to the point and in utter command of their own language.
"Another pilot told the Sunday Herald it was ironic that his glasses were taken away for security reasons."

EX Flipping 'scuse me? They took the pilots GLASSES? Lemme read that again ... the pilots GLASSES? As in "I need these to adaquatly read the fine print on the charts" GLASSES? As in reads on my ticket "must have in possession" glasses?

He should have sat at the gate until they were returned, IMHO.

Keith Lane said:
-- some half-witted mandarins making up petty and useless rules to justify their existence, with equally inept and stupid people interpreting the rules."
Classic, this should be on billboards
It it was a U.S. airline the "mandarin" bureaucrats would make it their mission in life to do their jobs so well they drive the airline out of business. If they think they lost revenue so far...

"THAT'S the Chicago way." Even Boeing is afraid of it.
Good for him and the rest of us. Let's hope the pilot doesn't lose his nerve during the week, and that it spreads around some. Golly, since its make a wish time, I'll wish for an agreement to reasonable airline security before the suit is even filed.
Finally, something the British can be proud of. I say we honor them and their guts. Any chance we can get some pro pilots in here to do the same thing?

I'm tired of being treated like a criminal on board an airplane.
Probably not Nick.

Americans ,as a whole, have lost their spine.