Brazil passenger jet crashes into gas station

Nope... blaming the lack of grooves on the runway this time... forgetting the fact that there are THOUSANDS of runways worldwide without grooves.
Nope... blaming the lack of grooves on the runway this time... forgetting the fact that there are THOUSANDS of runways worldwide without grooves.

What is the landing distance for an A320? The runway sure seems like it should be long enough. There is some speculation that when he realized that he was hydroplaning that he initiated a go around but without adequate remaining runway.
it's so short and surrounded by heavily populated neighborhoods that they're told to take off again and fly around if they overshoot the first 1,000 feet of runway.
Maybe they should work on aiming for the numbers...
Sure sounds like Southwest at Midway....
My thoughts, exactly.

I'm sure that this is not the first time that someone attempted to land an A320 on that runway in wet conditions, and, at 6325' is certainly sufficient distance to stop in.
I just found out a former colleague (he had left our company 2 yrs ago) was on the plane with his wife and son. :( That really sucks, he was a nice guy. I had met him about 4 years ago and worked with him on a lot of projects at the time.

I've flown from that airport before, too (and let me tell you - the plane we were on must have been an old reject from one of the US airlines - the seats tilted in - I think it was a 757 but I can't recall now for sure...)

Latin America has some scary aviation. No wonder our folks take our jet so often. Getting into Macchu Picchu (I can't recall the airport - it's the closest one) is a real trip I understand.
My thoughts, exactly.

I'm sure that this is not the first time that someone attempted to land an A320 on that runway in wet conditions, and, at 6325' is certainly sufficient distance to stop in.
The distances are about the same as at Midway, but there, the plane was trying to stop. Here, they were apparently making a go-around attempt. Big difference in energy at the site of the crash.
I just found out a former colleague (he had left our company 2 yrs ago) was on the plane with his wife and son. :( That really sucks, he was a nice guy. I had met him about 4 years ago and worked with him on a lot of projects at the time.

I'm so very sorry to hear that Liz!! :(

I've flown from that airport before, too.

Here's what it looks like landing at that airport, viewed from the cockpit of an A320. Notice how built up it is around the airport.