Boeing Develops Drone-Killing Laser Canon

It will never take off until it goes, "Pew! Pew! Pew!"
Lessee. Really powerful invisible small aircraft targeting laser, in an arbitrary environment meant to include airport traffic patterns.

What could possibly go wrong?

Don't fly behind a drone....
Lessee. Really powerful invisible small aircraft targeting laser, in an arbitrary environment meant to include airport traffic patterns.

What could possibly go wrong?

Don't fly behind a drone....

First thoughts:

1) Watch out for prisons and powerplants with DHS anti-drone grants and overenthusiastic Barneys behind the fire button. "... and I quickly determined that low flyin' aeroplane was a security threat about to drop contraband into muy detention center before I lit her up"

2) Expect to see chrome-plating counter-measure services offered shortly to make your drone laser-proof.​

Let's see... the government can protect it's property and airspace from drones with an expensive, fancy laser canon, but a guy in his back yard uses a shotgun to do the same thing and he goes to jail. Check. Got it. Just making sure.:rolleyes:
How does it work on a gyrocopter?

There are going to have to be some pretty strict rules on these things, though I can see them popping up in DC,
Lessee. Really powerful invisible small aircraft targeting laser, in an arbitrary environment meant to include airport traffic patterns.

What could possibly go wrong?

Don't fly behind a drone....

Yeah, I had the same thought, except there doesn't need to be a drone around for this technology to be misused against human-occupied aircraft.
I want one of those so I can start the charcoal from my recliner.