Blind leading the Blind


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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Well looks like I picked up an initial CFI student. So this morning I get to go learn all about private pilot manuevers.

Attention all experienced CFIs: Standby for questions to the tune of "What the hell am I doing?" and "How do I do this?"

We did his spin training yesterday, and am basically pounding out lots and lots of ground to make sure he can teach.

this is all making me feel pretty responsible, have the rare opportunity to mold a new CFI into someone who gives a damn. wish me luck.
tonycondon said:
this is all making me feel pretty responsible, have the rare opportunity to mold a new CFI into someone who gives a damn. wish me luck.

And that's a good thing! Good luck Tony! :blueplane:
In my experience, the most difficult thing for CFI trainees is not flying the maneuvers themselves while talking, it's observing the performance of the trainee and making effective verbal comments that result in the trainee performing the maneuver better. They often have difficulty determining not just whether the maneuver is right or wrong (i.e., within PTS standards) but also exactly what the trainee is doing improperly to cause that poor result and then give the right words to fix the underlying flaw in the trainee's technique. For that reason, I find most of the time I'm flying and the trainee is talking about my (purposefully flawed) performance and giving corrective comments -- which I invariably follow virtually exactly, often producing something other than what the instructor trainee intended.