Blackberry aviation apps?


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm enjoying my first Blackberry experience.

Are there any good aviation related (wx, airport info, flight planning, etc.) apps for the Blackberry? The free'er the better. :D
AOPA has a free A/FD mobile download available on their website. It is very detailed with airport diagrams, FBO info, RWY info, frequencies, etc. You have to had an external memory card (my 512MB worked fine). That's the only free one that I know of. There is a program on the market that can do aircraft checklists and E6B calculations but last I checked it costs around $20.

I am also looking for cool aviation apps for my blackberry 8830 so if anyone has any suggestions it would be awesome.
+1 on the AOPA airport directory. It took me a little while to figure out exactly how to use it, but once I did it is great. (must remember to have your cursor in the airport identifier box to get more information)

That is the only aviation app on my 8830
I purchased Wingx before the AOPA free version was released. The Wings AF/D has more information than the AOPA version along with all the plates. FWIW. The blackberry version of WingsX does not do flight planning yet.

I like the web site it does not require a log in to get info on an airport, navaid or a flight plan. has a mobile version of their website. I use it for flight planning, weather and to file flight plans when I am away from home. Also use AirWX Mobile for quick station weather. Both are FREE
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I purchased Wingx before the AOPA free version was released. The Wings AF/D has more information than the AOPA version along with all the plates. FWIW. The blackberry version of WingsX does not do flight planning yet.

I like the web site it does not require a log in to get info on an airport, navaid or a flight plan.
In case you need it, here's the Wingx website.
PilotMyCast is awesome. A friend of mine has it on his BB Bold. It's $10/month IIRC. I don't really have the cash to pay for a subscription like that, but if you fly enough it is definitely worth it.

AOPA Airport directory is awesome as well as the mobile site.