Billy Mays: gone but not forgotten....

BRILLIANT! Once again, a 2nd set is FREE! (Just pay processing. :no: )
It is the air of corruption wafting from Joisey, that they breath growing up that causes genetic mutations...

It showcases green gases emerging from various body "odor zones," a construction worker musing that "I got odor in special places," people spraying their "privates" and Geisinger shouting the unforgettable tag line: "NO BACTERIA, NO STINK!"

Hmmm I guess I will stick with soap and a rag plus actually washing those places!!
I like that not only are they charging $20 for a product anybody buys for the max of $4.00, they have to be extra geedy and make the bottle 3" high so it lasts for like a week's worth of use, but hey, you can get TWO for the $20 + the $7.50 "processing" for each.

Besides, the "natural ingredient" is probably corn starch or baking soda.
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I like that not only are they charging $20 for a product anybody buys for the max of $4.00, they have to be extra geedy and make the bottle 3" high so it last like for a week's worth of uses, but hey, you can get TWO for the $20 + the $7.50 "processing" for each.

Besides, the "natural ingredient" is probably corn starch or baking soda.

I love the "green cloud"...

(juvenile, I know...)
I love the "green cloud"...

(juvenile, I know...)

That's not fake. I used to get those when Bertha D. Bulldog got her White Castles as a treat. I would let go of a whole slyder from waist high and it would disappear.

Pancho is keeping up the tradition on her regular food.

I don't think Aspray would help there.
I love the contractor bit:

I work hard, and I smell bad, now I don't have to worry about that the butt
I think I'll put down my potato chips and order right now, before I stink up the place.