Barrett/Jackson auction


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Mar 11, 2005
Southwest Missouri
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I have been watching the Barrett/Jackson auction on speed, and was thinking someone needs to do this for airplanes. Anyone up for the challenge?
You bet. I'm not sure there's enough merchandise to do it though...
I have been watching the Barrett/Jackson auction on speed, and was thinking someone needs to do this for airplanes. Anyone up for the challenge?

I'm still bummed I just missed the '66 Cobra for only 5mil$, my lifelong fav, oh well, maybe next time. I don't think there's anywhere near the demand by pilots or of planes available to do this in aviation.

If there was, buying a plane would be like -buying a car, and for similar prices. Ain't gonna happen until flying is as easy AND as practical as driving a car, as much as we'd like to see it in some ways.
I'm still bummed I just missed the '66 Cobra for only 5mil$, my lifelong fav, oh well, maybe next time. I don't think there's anywhere near the demand by pilots or of planes available to do this in aviation.

The late Chuck Cunningham, Volvo dealer for many years near my Topsham house, used to own a Cobra. It had been owned by Dick Smothers.
Chuck eventually sold it and I'm sure made a $$ haul on the transaction. However, he said years later that he should have hung onto it for more years.

I just got an email from Eclipse. Their sales team is going to be there, with a bird, of course.
Back in '96, my neighbor had a cherry '71 Vette. Single owner, pampered, washed every Sunday. I've craved a Vette since youth. I never dreamed he'd part with it, but I ogled it and thought about it. My wife came home with an 88 911 Cabrio one day that someone at work was selling. We bought it. A month later, the Vette was gone. I asked him about it, he said,"Well, I saw you with that Porsche, and it looked like you were enjoying it, so I figured it was time for me to pass on my Vette to someone who would enjoy it like you enjoy your Porsche."

Porsche value - down $10 grand
Vette value - up about $40-50 grand from what I could have bought it for. Plus, I'd have the car of my childhood dreams.


Lesson learned - it never hurts to ask.