Barometer app for iPhone 6, 6+, iPad Air 2


Jan 7, 2013
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Ran across this in the App Store. Aside from being a novelty, it appears to also give a darn good altimeter setting, calibrated to sea level.


(I couldn't seem to link it, just search for this in the App Store)
you don't think it uses your GPS location, then grabs a barometric reading from another source?
The 6/6+ and iPad Air 2 all have barometers built in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, on the 6,6+ it's an _actual_ barometer.

By using the barometer and GPS altitude, it can also calculate an accurate altimeter setting for you.
The big advantage of an actual barometer is that it is more precise than a GPS altitude, even though the absolute accuracy of the GPS is better barring calibration of the barometer.

The biggest benefit is where cumulative elevation is tracked (e.g. exercise mapping apps) where the GPS data spread results in gross cumulative errors.
it's pretty damn accurate! I called the local atis and they have 30.22 i am showing 30.2101... cool
And for some cheap fun - launch the app and put your iPhone in an inflated zip lock bag.

Useless trivia - I can apply enough force to the bag to add (well ok, subtract) 3000 ft of altitude.