Banned for life...

When I go to Cracker Barrel, they can never seem to remember whether I'm drinking sweet or regular tea, so the chances of them enforcing that ban are pretty slim, I'd think.

Trapper John

From the looks of him, I'm sure they could just ask his name and he'd give it away.
Check out Cracker Barrel, taking a hard-line stance on social issues of our day! Beat a woman while shouting racist epithets, all in front of her child? No more gravy and rocking chairs for you! And that's a life sentence, there, pal!

Of course, I'm not sure how, exactly, they're planning on enforcing this. I think it really makes the case for a mandatory national Cracker Barrel ID program.
Its not really a matter of enforcement its a matter of notice. For example say the guy shows up at a Cracker Barrel a year from now and does something stupid like get in an argument with a waitress. The cops are called they intervene and while doing so find out who this guy is. Then he could be charged ( at least in PA) with Crimnal Tresspass or some other similar crime in what ever state he is in.

Its like a store banning a shop lifter. If its a mom and pop grocery that may work but not for a store like Target. its all in the notice.
Dangit, now Imo gonna have to do all my eatin' at Applebees!
Man, look at that mug. Its not often that I'll judge based on looks, but that guy sure does look like a racist and someone that would beat on a minority just because they got in his way.
At least they are doing something. They can't do much about the act as it's a police matter but they are acting as a responsible corporate citizen and doing what they can. It's common to bash companies here when they do the wrong thing, at least let's not bash them for doing the right thing.
At least they are doing something. They can't do much about the act as it's a police matter but they are acting as a responsible corporate citizen and doing what they can. It's common to bash companies here when they do the wrong thing, at least let's not bash them for doing the right thing.

Didn't mean to bash them, like I said I just thought it was funny.
All they have to do is post his mugshot in the break room or near a register, and if he sets foot in there again (and somehow I know he will) they can call it in. I think he could in trouble with the law just for being there.
I have my doubts his victim was as civil as she said she was about the door incident, but that's still no excuse to get physical. "Hate crime" or no, that's assault, and for no good reason.
Moms get a little excited, even irrational, about the welfare of their kids sometimes- but a real man can handle that calmly. I know his mother said he couldn't have done such a thing (see what I mean?), but he's obviously not a good guy.

With that 'tude, he should have gone to a bar or something. :D
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What was more upsetting was that no one really stepped in to help this gal out.
Did I miss something, or did the story not really give you a reason why it's being treated as a hate crime? An a-hole crime, certainly, but what makes it a hate crime?
Did I miss something, or did the story not really give you a reason why it's being treated as a hate crime? An a-hole crime, certainly, but what makes it a hate crime?

I think its assumed the mother was black, but you're correct, the article makes no mention of race.
I find nothing funny about the post or any of the replies. It should be deleted.
I find nothing funny about the post or any of the replies. It should be deleted.

Not funny, but it is good that they are making a statement against uncivil behavior at their establishments.

As for the concept of "hate crimes" as a differenjt category of crime, well, that's silly.
I find nothing funny about the post or any of the replies. It should be deleted.


On a more serious note, a thread has to be neither funny nor aviation-related to exist in the POA universe, it just has to fail to tick off the mods, who in my experience have been quite reasonable.

I didn't think the story was ha ha funny, but ironically funny, since my experiences at Cracker Barrel restaurants (not to mention the appellation itself) did not suggest the epitome of upper crust sophistication. However, if your sensibilities are that easily offended there are aviation fora out there that are more heavily policed and less tolerant of non-aviation subject material. It would be a shame however, as I'm certain you'd find lots to your liking here.