bah....this makes me sick

Oh my gosh - the guy is such a clueless moron.
I was looking around some - his website is gone but from what I'm picking up this could be something of a hoax. Not in very good taste, whatever it is...
Makes me sik too....but, Hes a kid. kids do stupid things. I just hope in 10 years he regrets what he has done and makes some sort of restitution.
Yuck. But for our military in WWII, this guy would definitely NOT be posting this "free speech". He would be goose stepping. Those volunteer soldiers saved the world. Literally. They are, sadly, passing away at the rate of something like a thousand a week right now. And, though I hate many things our government spends my money on, those burials are one thing I would never begrudge. Our troops have earned the benefits, such that they are, that we provide them.

I am not and have never been in favor of this war in Iraq. But our volunteer military works their collective butts off to do what needs to be done. They are stretched to the limit, underpaid and way underappreciated. Getting a break on prices at the PX and some support to help pay for base or off base housing ain't much, compared to what those families go through for the honor of serving their country.

I am a proponent of free speech. But, one thing that free speech presupposes is the ability of an individual to keep at least some modicum of civility. When I went to this guys "private website" and found him telling me to "kindly go play a game of hide and ---- yourself", I realized that this guy is one of those fellows who never thought he had a stupid thought. What did he think he was going to get posting this sort of garbage on the web, accolades?

Boy, was he wrong.

Jim G
Joe is right - the citizen has the right to free speech, guaranteed him by the blood of those he belittles.

Well I'm glad that Fox News gave him his 2 minutes in which to be shown to be completely idiotic.
Joe Williams said:
It's a free country, Nick. Folks like that are out there. My immediate supervisor at work says veterans are worse than Saddam Hussein. Such viewpoints are revolting, but they do have the right to hold them.

The guy is a fraud. He has done this two or three times now, and uses the publicity to put his sites names up for auction in the hope that someone will pay to take them offline.

He's also known as Michael Delaney and Michael Vogel - and was the guy a few years back that found a serviceman's camera at a baseball game, but wanted $1000 for it's return.

It turned out he didn't even have the right camera. It also transpires that he originally applied for the army, but was dropped/washed out/quit from basic training. Thats pretty much when the crap he calls a position started. His position (if you can call it that) is that servicemen get too much compensation for their work, and shouldn't get as much because they volunteered. Colmes kinda got that backwards in the interview, but Crook is a moron at best, a seditious traitor by most standards.

He's also the guy behind Silent Mike Internet Services (the SMIS Hosting Services now selling the domains) which have been known to host racist, white supremacist and other hate based sites. Usually once the heat gets too high, Crook leaps to the rescue and offers the site on Ebay to "help cover the costs of removal" - for example :

You used to be able to post on his forum/guestbook at, assuming you didn't mind if he edited your posts to suit his own needs/points - but even that went away.

Nice to see the idiot get creamed on national TV, shame he got 6m 10s of fame. I'm guessing one of these days, someone somewhere is going to get fed up with putting up with his sh*t, and hopefully, one of those 'volunteer' servicemen, firemen or policemen will decide the money really isn't worth it....
OK. Michael is an idiot.

However, shame on Fox for giving him a platform. I really hate "Attack" journalism - where a person is put on the air just to be abused. It's like Dr. Phil or something, not news.
SJP said:
It also transpires that he originally applied for the army, but was dropped/washed out/quit from basic training

Took me a while to find his original letter to Press of Atlantic City on Friday, June 11, 1999. It was published on his old website, To my dismay, after a mere two weeks at Fort Benning, despite the fact that I passed every test required to ship to a basic training unit, I was told I was medically unfit for training. On May 7, a month after I left, I walked back into the Philadelphia airport and happily into the waiting arms of my girlfriend, but on my way to being out of the Army.

To this day, I am fighting to get back in, through a congressional inquiry and any existing appeals processes. Granted, it has only been a little more than a month since I've been out, but it feels like an eternity.

My reason for sharing this is simple. It's apparant that too many people are taking military service for granted.

The various branches of the military must practically bribe people to join in the form of sign-up bonuses (mine was $3,000, but I'm being quite honest when I saw that didn't cross my mind when I made the phone call), assistance with college money, and other benefits. These things are all well and good, but they are not good reasons to join the military.

Whether it be the Army, Marines, Navy, the Air Force, or the Coast Guard, our country wouldn't be where it is today without the valuable service of the countless men and women who have served.

Many people in Southern New Jersey and elsewhere don't stop and think about the pride that goes along with serving.

I can't describe the pride that I feel every time I see the flag being raised. I felt it a privilege to salute while the flag was being retired at dusk. I can feel the mutual pride and respect when I salute an officer or observe a salute being rendered.

Every time I hear the national anthem or the Lee Greenwood song "God Bless the USA", I feel pride in my heart.

At the same time, I feel sadness, because I know I'm not on the training field finishing my basic training as I should be. I feel jealousy fill up within me every time I pass a serviceperson in the mall or elsewhere. In a few cases, I've stopped and spoken briefly with them and reminded them how privileged they are to be serving out country.

And that is what people should think about when they sign up for the military. It's not just about the pay, the benefits, and the "perks". It's mainly about defending our country and making sure our freedom stays intact.

"Freedom isn't free" may be a cliche, but it is very true. Many people, men and women, have died to ensure that we can listen to the music that we do, say whatever we want, and have all the various freedoms that we exercise practically every day and take for granted.

Perhaps in November when we observe Veterans Day, and when next May brings Memorial Day, we can think beyond the day off of work and school and remember not only the people who have died in service to our country, but also the countless others who voluntarily leave behind their loved ones to serve in the military.

Nothing more than a drop-out scumbag.

The guy is a hack fraud. Why is fox so gullible. He sets up this outrageous website to tries to hook gullible "journalist" into responding. It's the internet equivalent of Howard Stern sending stuttering John to press conference.

Remember Communist for Kerry? Turn out it was setup by College republicans as an election year goof (dirty trickster live on). Anyway, Fox and MSNBC both fell for it, as did the New York Times. The bloggers will get to the bottom of this
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corjulo said:

The guy is a hack fraud. Why is fox so gullible. He sets up this outrageous website to tries to hook gullible "journalist" into responding. It's the internet equivalent of Howard Stern sending stuttering John to press conference.

Remember Communist for Kerry? Turn out it was setup by College republicans as an election year goof (dirty trickster live on). Anyway, Fox and MSNBC both fell for it, as did the New York Times. The bloggers will get to the bottom of this

At least you are smart enough to realize that it is to the advantage of the radical left to pretend such people don't represent their views. Many of the people around here who say the same things this guy says can't understand why the rest of the country doesn't share their views. I work with people just like him, who say exactly the same things, every day. You can hear the same things in some churches here in the Northeast. You can't pooh pooh it and make it go away anymore. The views this guy is spewing just aren't that far off of the ones held by the radical left group that has taken over the Democratic Party. I don't see much different about this guy than I do a bunch of other people just like him here in the weird world of the Blue States. The problem for the Democrats is that they've allowed people not a lot different than this guy to speak for them, and that is why their own party members across the nation abandoned them during the last few election cycles. With Dean at the helm, I don't see things changing much.
I don't think that's a fair statement Joe. I work with a lot of democrats and I don't hear them saying anything near the kinds of things about the men and women of the armed forces this guy has said.
Is this a great country, or what? I think the fact that this guy is on TV (don't forget that news shows, even Fox, have to entertain to get viewers), and so quickly exposed by you as a fraud, speaks very well for this country. We air our dirty laundry, expose it for what it is, and move on. Others in the world consider us social exhibitionists, but hey, it's a heck of a lot better than this stuff being carried on underground.

I don't see a problem with this guy being a fraud and being given air time. As someone said, it exposes the guy.

Greebo said:
I don't think that's a fair statement Joe. I work with a lot of democrats and I don't hear them saying anything near the kinds of things about the men and women of the armed forces this guy has said.

It's a very fair statement, Chuck. I didn't say this guy spoke for Democrats. I said this guy speaks for the radical left that is running the party, a small faction that can carry only a couple regions of this country. I also said that Democrats are turning their backs on their own party because of it. You are West Virginian, as I am. Growing up there, did you EVER see them voting for a fairly Conservative Republican President, not once, but twice? Did you see them electing a Republican to the House repeatedly, despite challenges from a union financed and backed candidate? A Republican who actually has a chance to beat Robert Byrd? Come visit me, Chuck, and I'll introduce you to people just like him. People who despise our veterans, and people who publically advocate kidnapping and beheading the children of Republicans.
Joe Williams said:
I said this guy speaks for the radical left that is running the party, a small faction that can carry only a couple regions of this country. I also said that Democrats are turning their backs on their own party because of it.

Oh Please. Anybody recognize a Troll? We're being trolled, for heaven's sake. It's outrageous...but it's so outrageous that it didn't even get my temperature up half a degree. He's Whacko.
I misunderstood - when I first read your post it sounded as though you were saying the majority of Democrats held those opinions about the military.

Most of the Democrats I know would stand in line with us to kick the $$$$ out of this guy if we ever met him in person.

What I remember of WV politics (having been mainly a teenager in WV and thus, young dumb and ignorant of such things at the time), was that they vote demmykrat cause their daddy did and cause their daddy's daddy did. Struck me more of a union support thing than anything really tied to thinking about the issues. When they did think about the issues, they tended to fall more socially conservative as I recall.
Joe Williams said:
I said this guy speaks for the radical left that is running the party, a small faction that can carry only a couple regions of this country. I

This guy speaks for noone but himself.

He is a scam artist, proven white supremacist (which would more likely peg him to the right), racist con man. He has admitted statutory rape and fraud on a number of previous interviews, as well as stating categorically that this activity is nothing more than a way to get publicity for the domains so that he can sell them for cash. This stunt is just the latest in a long list Joe.

To try to twist this as being representative of the Democratic party, or the people who hold political views other than your own is frankly pathetic.