Backyard Wildlife

Ventucky Red

Pattern Altitude
Jan 9, 2013
Display Name

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Whatcha got? Started with one now we have two...


FC6E2372-FECD-4BE7-B6A8-22D506B3005D.jpeg EB956149-E3DE-4CD9-A898-8478DE77E8F8.jpeg 24752DD4-F88B-4BBD-AA82-EB3A260823F9.jpeg 34AE4147-C7F2-470C-8473-DBAB55837D36.jpeg 4695CE2D-ECD2-4D16-9CBA-2BD41E4B28A1.jpeg EB9708E6-B685-4C6B-A554-B229D2956A79.jpeg

there are others but keep getting “image is too large for server to process” and I’m not smart enough to work around that.
Had to shoot a big 'coon last night that was fighting my dog....didn't get any photos lol. Funny part was a deer that was so fascinated she stood about 50' away and watched the whole time. She wouldn't even run away after I shot the coon and told her she was next. Weird.

For the record, despite being very tempted (hamburger is like $6/lb wtf?), I did not poach the deer.
Rabbit family:
The wife is driving me nuts trying to figure out what this is (S.E. Michigan) - I think catbird, but...
If anyone knows.
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We have all manner of birds, but the ground hog had to go. For that piece of backyard wildlife, I had the bedroom shotgun.
Chipmunks galore... a few of which have been introduced to our lawn mower blade.
We get the occasional deer, have seen a coyote (I think the neighbor exterminated that one), and a bunch of rabbits back by the property line. A couple of years ago we caught a few armadillos. I had thought to put ol' snap rusty to work on them but the wife went and caught them with a Havahart trap and took them over to the lake. A few months ago someone hit a beaver in front of the house and knocked it into my driveway. My neighbor went out and got it:

Big ol’ beaver!
I had a front yard bear

You can keep him over there.

A few years ago I was at the airport alone after dark talking to my brother on the phone. Somehow we were discussing that a few black bears had been seen in the area. I told him I had my little .380 Ruger in my pocket. He asked how many shots it would hold. Told him I had six in the mag and one in the chamber. He told me if it came to a confrontation with a bear to only shoot the bear six times. Then he said, "save the last one for yourself!" o_O :D
The wife is driving me nuts trying to figure out what this is (S.E. Michigan) - I think catbird, but...
If anyone knows.
View attachment 86699

It's a Brown Thrasher. Odd it should appear on the board today, as I had one in my yard this morning. I don't ever remember seeing one here before today.

I live next to a farm. We have all manner of critters. Deer, turkeys, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, rabbits, skunk, opossums, the occasional bear, and woodchucks. I have to whack a couple of those every year. They are too destructive. Everything else we can keep out, or stays out of my wife's flowers. Not the chucks. whack!

I don't mind the bear or the coyotes Since they moved into the area there have been no dogs, cats, kids or other vermin on my end of the street for nearly 20 years now.
Our bird feeder has been pretty active this year. I think so many people put up feeders during their lockdowns that the birds are really searching them out. We’ve had several varieties of woodpeckers come by. We normally don’t see such a mix of birds but this year has been pretty good.

@Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe
And yes, we have several Brown Thrashers, too. This is is the first year I’ve seen them.
A few years ago I was at the airport alone after dark talking to my brother on the phone. Somehow we were discussing that a few black bears had been seen in the area. I told him I had my little .380 Ruger in my pocket. He asked how many shots it would hold. Told him I had six in the mag and one in the chamber. He told me if it came to a confrontation with a bear to only shoot the bear six times. Then he said, "save the last one for yourself!" o_O :D

If a person is going to carry a pistol for bear protection, be sure to remove the front sight and keep the gun covered with Vaseline.

So it will be easier to remove the gun from where the bear is going to shove it after you shoot him....:eek:
I'd never really consider shooting at a bear. Now I always make sure I have a friend with me. One of them once asked me what I'd do if a bear came at us. I said I would run. He asked if I could outrun a bear. I told him I didn't have to outrun the bear, only him. He said, "I might be faster than you." Well he wouldn't be after I shot him in the foot with my .380! :)
We have deer, moose, elk, foxes, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, cougars (mountain lions) and black bears. The deer are so thick, they are like rodents and It’s not uncommon to see a herd of 20-30 in the evening. Not many people hunt them in this area preferring elk. You need at least a 6’ fence if you want a garden or roses.