Back to the land of normal medical certificate!


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Feb 5, 2015
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I got a nice surprise today in the mail from the FAA. In their infinite wisdom, they decided that because(? *I guess*) I applied and qualified for 2nd class medical, I am no longer a danger to society. I can now exercise my flying privileges without needing a special issuance for kidney stones.

This was pretty surprising since they are fully aware of me just having 2 stones removed only a couple of months ago.

They did give me a warning that I should ground myself if feel any symptoms.

So I wonder if this is because the 2nd class is only for 12 months(same as the SI). And if that's the case, couldn't I simply fly with it for 24 months(I'm over 40)? Doesn't 2nd class revert to 3rd after 12 months?
If you are retaining any kidney stones that may be a disqualifier, but not a death sentence. One year I had a monstrous stone removed. I never had any pain or symptoms, my AME just happened to check my pee for blood.

After the surgery a very tiny stone was seen in the other kidney. The SI was for the retained stone. Had it checked the next year and there was no change and no blood in my urine. A letter from the urologist stating that it had not moved or changed size and that it would not cause any trouble if it dropped out and 4 weeks later I had a normal medical.

Two years later it was not anywhere to be seen, so I am guessing it finally dropped out.

As long as your medical does not state something like.... Not valid for any class after this date then you are good for the extra year.
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