Tied Down
My new checklist starts with ...
1. Put pants on.
It's very thorough. Starts at home.
1. Put pants on.
It's very thorough. Starts at home.
I don't have a 172 checklist in this format but you can easily modify the attached Excel file.
I like this format because it folds in half so the pre-flight is on the "back" page. Of course, you just turn the thing over when doing the pre-flight so the pre-flight checklist is facing up. (duh!) Then, with the pre-flight down, I clip the just the back page to the clipboard and fold it so the front page covers the clip. The front page has the "in-flight" checklists plus room for making notes. There are also optional "1st" pages with various V speeds listed or you could replace it with any info you wanted. Open it without unclipping it to see the pre-takeoff checklists on the left side and the emergency checklists on the right side. Key headings are printed in color just to make them easier to find quickly.
Note that "Page 1" in the Excel document is really page 4 on the left and page 1 on the right when printed. Page 2 in Excel is really pages 2 and 3 when printed - fold so pages 2 and 3 are on the inside.
This is so easy to print that I just print a few at a time. Print side one then stick 'em back in the printer to print the other side. I use one until I run out of room for notes, and pull out a new one. No need to laminate but I guess you could if you wanted to use a grease pencil so you could erase notes.
Later: I realized I did have a 172 checklist started but it never got finished. I included it but would recommend editing the Warrior version instead.
My new checklist starts with ...
1. Put pants on.
It's very thorough. Starts at home.
Down with pants!
Have about 200ish hours in a Cherokee. It's just 2nd nature to put the flaps where you want them. You'll burn through your notch a time or two but you get the feel for it fairly quick. One "technique" for short field take offs in a Cherokee is to get rolling on the runway with flaps up then, "click,click" and away you go. That won't work well in a in a Cezzna with electric flaps. No "Click,Click" just Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz