Avoiding ground conflicts


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 18, 2007
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I posted in another thread about my trip to Inverness (X40, http://www.airnav.com/airport/X40). X40 is a pilot controlled airport.

When I taxied back out to leave, there was a large tractor mowing the grass along side the taxiway down around the end of runway 1. It was stirring up a lot (and I mean a LOT) of large birds as well as encroaching on the taxiway. In the interest of not getting involved with the tractor or the birds, I decided to enter the runway a A2. This gives up about 1/2 the runway. I looked it over and decided I didn't want to leave 1/2 the runway behind me. (I could have. I fly a C-172C model and it was just me even though density altitude was ~1900 ft.)

So what I decided to do (and announced on the CTAF) was back taxi on runway 1, then turn and take off. There was nobody around the airport or bouncing around the pattern so I didn't conflict with anyone.

My question is: Is this an accepted practice? I would normally have used the taxiway except for the tractor and birds. I would not have done it if it impacted traffic in the pattern or on the ground. I'm satisfied with my choice but curious. Given that there is no shortage of opinions on this board, I assume someone will take exception...:D

There are lotsa airports with no taxiway (scary, I know) and this procedure seems to work fine there. I know of no reg or recommended practice that says you have to use the taxiway for taxi.
depends ... did anyone call "Any Tractors in the Pattern ...?" :D

did you announce "taking the active"? and nobody quipped "taking it where?"

did the birds announce their intentions as they took off?

:D like noted above - sounds fine to me :D
There shouldn't be any issue with back-taxiing into position if it does not affect other traffic. In some circumstances at a tower controlled airport a controller may issue a back-taxi instruction.
Back taxiing is normal at a lot of airports - we have to back taxi for rwy 5 here at E38. Had to hold short the other day for a Suburban that was carrying gear for the DPS helicopter guys who were doing some training. Stuff happens.
What you did makes good sense. And not taking off from the intersection but giving yourself plenty of room makes real good sense.
Back-Taxi is a completely normal procedure. I always like to turn around slow enough to get a 360 degree view of the sky before I have to be on a runway for an extended period of time, though. I'll make that "spin" on a taxiway if possible.
I was at some strip once and it was long.

Announced on the CTAF, "N1234 commencing extended back taxi all the way to the end of runway 5..."
There are plenty of small airports here where back-taxiing is normal. The only time I had a problem is when we were still back taxiing (after making plenty of radio calls), and someone came in to land. I screamed something like "still on the runway you moron!" and sorta careened very fast onto the first turnoff. I really could have killed that guy, I don't see how he couldn't see us.
As near as I could tell, the birds were NORDO.
did the birds announce their intentions as they took off?

:D like noted above - sounds fine to me :D

I bet those schmucks didn't even file OR get a briefing before they took off! Damn reckless, they are.

I have nothing worthwhile to add other than, yes - back taxiing is fine, and often standard practice. Sounds like you took every necessary precaution to execute the maneuver safely.

And I agree with Jeanie; it's much better to take a few extra seconds on the runway than leave runway behind you. Remember the three most useless things in aviation?
I was at some strip once and it was long.

Announced on the CTAF, "N1234 commencing extended back taxi all the way to the end of runway 5..."


PBG - Plattsburg, NY. 11758 foot long runway, with the terminal along the fence at the FAR north end. Flew in there once when the taxiway that leads to runway 35 was being worked on. The landing was fine (granted we land at full power to save taxi time), but the winds were 350@14; just over our maximum to be able to take off from 17 (only 100 yards from the terminal). Even at takeoff power it took half the weekend to backtaxi the full length of 35, but we made it!
I did just than last weekend. Departing at night from an airport that has no lights on the taxi way. Since I didn't have landing or taxi light, It is much safer to back taxi down the lit runway rather than try to navigate the unlit taxiway.

I did just than last weekend. Departing at night from an airport that has no lights on the taxi way. Since I didn't have landing or taxi light, It is much safer to back taxi down the lit runway rather than try to navigate the unlit taxiway.


Just curious, why were you flying at night in an airplane with no taxi or landing light? I know its not absolutely necessary to have one.
I was at some strip once and it was long.

Announced on the CTAF, "N1234 commencing extended back taxi all the way to the end of runway 5..."

What kind of plane was it?


(we need a stirring the pot smilie)

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What kind of plane was it?


(we need a stirring the pot smilie)

via Tapatalk

It was silvery-blue, with a US Roundel on the side, and a bubble canopy.....

Kinda looked like this:

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As near as I could tell, the birds were NORDO.

Was the tractor NORDO also? Working that close to the taxiway and runway he should have a radio, especially if he is throwing debris on the pavement.

Hopefully he was watching you the whole time and had watched a lot of aircraft do what you did.