from the newspaper article said:
The sheer nature of large-animal practice requires long commutes to farms, but having to do it all alone significantly cuts down the amount of clients that can be seen in a day, she said.

"Six to eight stops a day is a really busy day for me because I sometimes have to drive two hours just to get someplace," she said. "If I could hire more people, we could cover more ground."

Hmmm... a doctor of veterinarian medicine with a helicopter... Dave, could you bill enough as a DVM of large animals to make it work? Seems that would solve or mitigate the "can't cover ground fast enough" problem, allowing the doctor to see (and bill) more patients.

Do farmers pay out of their own pockets for DVM care of livestock, or is there insurance programs available that you can bill?
Dave (if you're reading this...), didn't you "useta" fly to some far-away places in the 150 you used to have?