Atlantis' last flight

She will be readied once more in case she is needed for emergency during the last 2 flights.

Overall a successful vehicle considering the environment it is used in.
Got a few shots today from the Causeway at KSC, quite glad they came out pretty well. One of my favorites:


Completely forgot it was launching today, just happened to have the news on at work and caught it at T-3. wooo hooo!!!!

Watching a launch always gives me goose bumps. (and feeling insanely jealous of the crew)

Can I use that as my desktop? PLEASE??????
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Completely forgot it was launching today, just happened to have the news on at work and caught it at T-3. wooo hooo!!!!

Watching a launch always gives me goose bumps. (and feeling insanely jealous of the crew)

Can I use that as my desktop? PLEASE??????

Absolutely, feel free :)
I had forgotten about the launch as well, but saw it go up as I was arriving at my doctors office. Love the trajectories that send it to the north east! Makes them very visible from here.
I had forgotten about the launch as well, but saw it go up as I was arriving at my doctors office. Love the trajectories that send it to the north east! Makes them very visible from here.

I should've tried to get in touch with you this weekend. I was over in Fernandina Beach on Saturday.