ATC awards

Thanks FB I was searching for that last night and could not find it.
Wow - that second tape was a real adreneline booster.

Did anyone else read that first referenced link about airplane suicides?

What a waste of good airplanes. :(
Having listened to the transcripts, I take back anything bad I have ever said about any controller that ever growled at me.

They certainly deserve the award, these guys.

Jim G
Wow! NBC Nightly News did a story on these two guys a few nights ago. Nice story too. The younger of the two controllers was a trainee at the time.
Greebo said:
Did anyone else read that first referenced link about airplane suicides?

Yup. I'd read about the "final landing" one, it was an Embry-Riddle student.

There's another one that I knew about, but didn't know it was a suicide. The CFI involved had apparently just been diagnosed with some sort of illness, though not sure if it was terminal to his life or just to his medical. The plane had no hull insurance either, an extra blow to the FBO.