Army vs Navy

So uh, if the Marine Corps had an Academy, who'd ya be rootin' for?
Well, while I preferred the ethos of the Marines, gotta root for the last “team” I was on and spent the most time with.
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Rock of the Marne this year. My old division. Not exactly the best division song though.

Bean Tavy!

No dog in the fight, I just enjoy a good rivalry.
The Super Hornets have been flying over my house the last 30 minutes. Fun to watch them
My nephew flew in those formation/demonstrations for a few years, but he is now deployed on the USS Gerald R. Ford having a nice relaxing vacation cruise. They liked it so much they extended their cruise.
There is no escaping the rivalry. I just finished reading Kurson’s excellent “Rocket Men”, mostly about the Apollo 8 flight, but it included this side story from the Gemini 6 and 7 meetup in orbit.

During maneuvering to simulate docking, there was a Beat Army sign in the window of Gemini 6, put there by the Annapolis crew of Schirra and Stafford to taunt Borman (West Point) in Gemini 7

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Hit his foot! Honor code. ;)
This year was pretty cool for my class, since a few 88 grads are at the top of the pile for Army. Randy George, a very good guy, is Army Chief of Staff. Drew Pappas is FORSCOM Commander. Erik Kurilla is CENTCOM. Fun to watch dudes you went to school with on College Game Day.

We have a big watch party in Chapel Hill every year. One of our classmates is the owner of a brew pub that is one of the town anchors. Top of the Hill. That is where I was heading when I had night VFR adventures on Friday night.

Favorite Army Navy memory. My plebe (freshman) year in 1984 we broke an 8 year losing streak. The O's lost control of us at the end. This photo made the inside cover of Sports Illustrated the next week. That night in Philly was mayhem.
