Approach into DVT


Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2021
Orange County, CA
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I plan to head out to DVT very soon and will be approaching from the West. I will be on flight following...

Are they pretty good about allowing you through Luke AFB airspace? So basically I would just go through the Luke airspace and over the top of GEU and direct into DVT?

Or should I plan to BXK and then south of the Luke airspace, over the top of GYR, and GEU, then direct to DVT?

Any other tips for the area? I plan to park at the FBO for maybe two nights.

I always go into DVT IFR, but have no issues going through Luke, I don't think they will give you any trouble VFR either.
Just got back from flying that area last week. Gone out there a few times. If you're on with flight following I don't think you'll have trouble traversing it.
If they do deny entry, cant you just fly over the Luke special airspace to the north? That way you can keep your altitude up and avoid all the traffic and airspace headaches involved in coming from the south. And you gotta end up north anywho because of DVT's location.

Regardless of route enjoy the trip and let us know how you like DVT!
Just got back from flying that area last week. Gone out there a few times. If you're on with flight following I don't think you'll have trouble traversing it.
If they do deny entry, cant you just fly over the Luke special airspace to the north? That way you can keep your altitude up and avoid all the traffic and airspace headaches involved in coming from the south. And you gotta end up north anywho because of DVT's location.

Regardless of route enjoy the trip and let us know how you like DVT!
Honestly I don't have a need to fly through Luke class D at all. Just go direct from VICKO to KDVT


You end up flying through the alert area and the SATR, which are no problem.
If it's on the weekend, chances are that Luke airspace and SATR will be closed, and you can plow right through. The ATIS for LUF, GYR and GEU usually announce the status of Luke's airspace. You really shouldn't need to go into Luke's class D if you are coming from the west, but going through their SATR will make things much easier. Side note, if you are flying over on the weekend and the airspace and SATR are closed, it might be fun to lean to the south a bit to overfly the field. If it's during the week and Luke's airspace is open and the SATR and Alert Areas are active, then Flight Following SHOULD coordinate that and guide you through, over, or around as needed. That said, I have heard the tower at GEU more than once tell a landing aircraft that they flew through Luke's airspace and Luke is trying to get in touch with them, even though they were on FF. So even if you're on FF, it might be a good idea to contact Luke Approach on Comm 2 and make sure you are cleared through. Check the Chart Supplement for the local airports. All the approach and tower controllers in the area are usually top notch and easy to work with. Beware the hornets nest of Cirrus in and around GYR. And if Luke is flying, keep in mind that it's a training base and there are a bunch of early 20's low time pilots flying 400 knots in the same airspace as you; keep your head on a swivel.

Welcome to Phoenix! You should come in August. The weather is lovely.
If you're on flight following during the week and not after hours you may end up transferred to Luke approach on the way in, but I can't recall exactly. Like aterry says look at the chart supplements. It's intimidating, but not especially difficult.

Also, it's pretty dang cool to be buzzing along and have a flight of 4 F-35s called out as traffic. I'm always tempted to call out "Tally ho! I'm going in for guns.", but I know better.

Honestly I don't have a need to fly through Luke class D at all. Just go direct from VICKO to KDVT


You end up flying through the alert area and the SATR, which are no problem.
And to be clear by saying no problem it's not that you don't have to do anything and just fly through. The SATR can be active or inactive depending on the day/time. If it's active you must talk to Luke.
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And to be clear by saying no problem it's not that you don't have to do anything and just fly through. The SATR can be active or inactive depending on the day/time. If it's active you must talk to Luke.

Yes, 100%. The highlighted part is very important. We have a few units night flying too, so those hours can be extended until pretty late at night.
Thanks again! Piece of cake!
Yes, 100%. The highlighted part is very important. We have a few units night flying too, so those hours can be extended until pretty late at night.
Yep. Unfortunately, it’s on the pilot to play 20 questions trying to find out if they’re open or not.

Really, they should stick to set hours, or just have the airspace active 24x7.
Return flight uneventful, asked DVT ground if they give flight following on ground, answer was no pick it up in the air... Tower and ground were very helpful and professional.

Upon departure Luke was closed so made request with Phoenix and of course "unable." Pretty common in PHX area but also the holiday travel season.

Once I got past Luke air space I picked up flight following from Albuquerque Center.
How was DVT? I haven’t flown into that one but I’m always curious since I fly past it on the way to other airports in the valley.
How was DVT? I haven’t flown into that one but I’m always curious since I fly past it on the way to other airports in the valley.
Lots of flight training going on but Tower and ground were very helpful.

It's a very nice airport and the FBO (Cutter) was great. Restaurant next door and lots around the area. It was the closest to where I needed to go on this trip...
Lots of flight training going on but Tower and ground were very helpful.

It's a very nice airport and the FBO (Cutter) was great. Restaurant next door and lots around the area. It was the closest to where I needed to go on this trip...

I second this, they have parallel runways so pattern training is mostly on the northern side, also the training areas are just west of the city.