Anyone know how to GPS Overlay VFR Sectional?


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 21, 2011
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I'm using my ipad to record a gps track of my flights and I want to overlay those tracks on a sectional and can not find any software to do it. I can output gpx or kml files.

Any one doing this currently? Of have any suggestions?

Thanks, Ken
I use SeeYou, a Soaring Pilots software. It will read .igc and I think .kml files

Others just use .kml and google earth. There is a FREE program called IGC Replay that may work, but I think it plays in google earth, not VFR Enroute charts.
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I'm using my ipad to record a gps track of my flights and I want to overlay those tracks on a sectional and can not find any software to do it. I can output gpx or kml files.

Any one doing this currently? Of have any suggestions?

Thanks, Ken

If you were using anything except an "I-whatever", I would suggest orux maps. a free app, which does exactly what you want to do.