Anyone fly Aero-Mexico (pireps?)


Cleared for Takeoff
Jul 7, 2006
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Hey folks!
Has anyone ever flown on Aero Mexico? My brother just bought tickets for me on from Puerta Vallarta to Chicago via Mexico City.
What should I expect?:blueplane:
In my experience, excellent service, well-maintained aircraft.
Aero-Mex used to have a very politely offered "dulce" (sweet) before departure. It was a nice welcome aboard touch. I haven't flown with them in 20 years so I don't know if they still do that. The staff at Mexico City was helpful.

Mexicana was a step down with service on par with the big American airlines. I always thought parts were going to fall of the ancient 727 they used for the Mexico City to Cuidad del Carmen hop. Never found anyone selling slightly used 727 parts on the streets of del Carmen so maybe I'm just a pessimist. Although you could buy just about anything else on the streets if you really wanted to.:yikes:
I have only flown them twice. No problems either time. I did enjoy them leaving the cockpit door open on the 737 and on one flight the capt. was smoking a cigar in the cockpit and would dangle it out the window to keep the smoke from getting in the airplane. He closed up the window just before take off.
Hey folks!
Has anyone ever flown on Aero Mexico? My brother just bought tickets for me on from Puerta Vallarta to Chicago via Mexico City.
What should I expect?:blueplane:

Free beer with breakfast!!:yesnod:
Not since 1978. My experience is probably a bit dated....:smile: