Any F-105 Thud Pilots/Maint


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 1, 2015
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Those that flew these in Vietnam had some big balls! Amazing airplane flown and maintained by dedicated folks. At McGuire AFB the ANG flew them when I was there. Ga ANG used to fly down from Dobbins and hit the ranges at Eglin AB. Cool fighter! Love hearing stories about this fighter, so anyone have some? I think 800+ were built and about half were lost in SE Asia.
good books. He was pretty bitter (rightly so) about upper management.
Read "Going Downtown" and "Thud Ridge" by Jack Broughton for some great stories. Balls is right!

Oh I have read them, and a few more. There's one by a guy that flew 105s on his first tour, and then wrote another book about his second tour flying F4s. I have them all on my bookshelf and I'll update w/ titles later.

Here they are, both excellent books by Ed Rasimus:

'When Thunder Rolled' (F105)

'Palace Cobra" (F4)
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My next-door neighbor flew Thuds. Go drop warheads on some foreheads each morning, then a steak dinner in the hotel in Thailand at night.
Wow that'd be a good time Russell, hearing those stories. Did he also fly 'em at Dobbins in the Guard, probably not though as they had a different airframe then. Ask him if he ever heard of Jerry Ragsdale, from Atlanta, who I heard flew 105s.
Maintainer - avionics (doppler). Stll hope MacNamara, Johnson, and Fonda are handcuffed togther in Hell, and performing two shows daily for SAC generals.

On a lighter note, the cam used as a pick-off for mag variation would be worn shiny on the area analagous to North Vietnam.
Idk of anyone that flew it, but we recently got one on display. Awesome looking bird.


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Maintainer - avionics (doppler). Stll hope MacNamara, Johnson, and Fonda are handcuffed togther in Hell, and performing two shows daily for SAC generals.


Funny you say that. I was just cussing Johnson last night! :yesnod:

And McNamara, yeah, he has to live with his stupid decisions and the terrible advice he gave Johnson no matter where he is. :mad:
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Wow that'd be a good time Russell, hearing those stories. Did he also fly 'em at Dobbins in the Guard, probably not though as they had a different airframe then. Ask him if he ever heard of Jerry Ragsdale, from Atlanta, who I heard flew 105s.

Nah, he went straight to Delta after Nam. He now flies a beautiful PT-17 and a Citabria.
Sorry to hear that about those warriors passing. RIP gentlemen.
I never flew the Thud.
While I was in country, there was a story going around that a Thud had problems during take off and flown completely through the (brick) enlisted barracks and managed to get back and land safely.
I personally believe the story. It was a tough bird.