And to think, they trust me with an airplane...


Management Council Member
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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
So, I flew home from Pensacola yesterday, nice flight with a modest amount of bumpys and a little IMC, but all around, OK. Funny thing: I know that I never get a flight plan into the DFW terminal area if I don't file a STAR, which is fine, and I know that coming from the southeast I pretty much always get a DUMPY2 arrival, so I filed PNS GPS direct GGG VOR (one of the transitions for the DUMPY2), then the STAR.

Picked up my clearance, "as filed," and given on-course and final altitude at the lofty height of 800' AGL.

Subsequently, was deviated slightly to avoid a hot MOA, but at least three times, three different facilities told me that they had an "amendment" to my clearance, consisting of flying the DUMPY2 arrival, Gregg County transition (or, to be specific, the routing I filed in the first place). Don't know what was up with the ATC 'puters, but they were a little off this time. Controllers, of course, all good, and I landed within three minutes of what I flight planned for.

But that's not the silly part.

We got to ADS, unloaded all the gear (and it was a lot) into the car, reinstalled the center row of seats, and drove on home. Unloaded all teh bags 'n' boxes 'n' suitcases from the car, got stuff generally unpacked, and headed back out to the car to go out for supper. Started backing up, immediately sensed something not right (flat tire?), go out and looked, and D'OH! had left the flight bag (last item) behind car, and backed over it (tire did not roll over it, but bag's too big to fit under car, so it "rolled" under the car).

Fortunately, flight bag contents are mostly malleable, but then there'r the handheld nav/com, the aluminum clipboard and the eyeglasses.

Lucky me, radio's ok (scuffed a bit), glasses are fine, but then...

...take a look at this:
SOunds like a good trip.

ATC doesn't always get the flight data - sometimes the cleared route and/or the filed route doesn't make the handoff. Coming back from Diana & Tom's this spring, I had to tell Razorback Appr. both the active clearance, destination, and original filed route.

Part of the problem is that certain ATC facilities will clear you direct destination. It's then up to later facilites to "fix" it.

Oops on the flight bag.
Lemons from lemonade.... remove the clip and install on other side. Flip the unit over and lay it on your knee..... Viola! Custom fit! :D (Don't forget to apply for the patent).
SCCutler said:
So, I flew home from Pensacola yesterday
Spike, glad you made it home OK. Now, where are those pictures from Gaston's? :)
SCCutler said:
Started backing up, immediately sensed something not right (flat tire?), go out and looked, and D'OH! had left the flight bag (last item) behind car, and backed over it (tire did not roll over it, but bag's too big to fit under car, so it "rolled" under the car).
I wish I had a picture of what Tom's Palm Pilot looked like after I ran over it with the truck. Oops! :eek:

I got the same thing returning from Wisconsin last trip. Three different times they cleared me for the Jones 4. I haven't backed over a flight bag, but have had a couple other things "happen". Fly safe; welcome back.

Dave Siciliano said:
I haven't backed over a flight bag, but have had a couple other things "happen".

Oh, Dave, tell us more. :)
Diana said:
Spike, glad you made it home OK. Now, where are those pictures from Gaston's? :)

Diana, your compelling wish is my absolute command.

Pics are uploaded. Nothing earth-shattering there, but maybe something someone will enjoy.

Me? Can't wait for next time!

Dave Siciliano said:
Fly safe; welcome back.


Dave, you (or someone in your Bo) arrived minutes behind me, I heard APP handling 2024Q on a different frequency. Arriving from the north...
SCCutler said:
radio's ok (scuffed a bit)

...take a look at this:


Nothing a couple pieces of 2x4, a little pressure and a pair of pliers won't fix reasonably well.

Now your stuff has character. Students and passengers will now look at you in awe since you obviously fly so much your equipment is getting mangled. B)

Why shouldn't they trust you with a typical GA airplane? It doesn't have reverse. :D
Diana said:
Oh, Dave, tell us more. :)

Well Diana:

You might get me to do a little talkin over a Margarita sometime, but 'til then--I take the Fifth!!!

I will mention that when departing Dallas for my trip to Mexico, I was keeping track of so many things, I missplaced my cell phone!! You know, tryin to get clothes, charts, blankents, headseats, customes stuff, survival stuff and all in the plane and make sure I didn't forget anything. As I was getting ready to depart I reached for my cell phone to call ahead and let folks know I was leavin! Well, no cell phone. After a lot of looking around, I went to a guy across from me and asked him to call me so I could look for it. I NEVER would have looked where I finally found it. It must have come off before I loaded several things behind the rear seats. Still don't know how I did that!!



Spike If it bends left its gotta bend right!:rofl: I'll bet you were actually releived it wasn't your hand held.
SCCutler said:
Diana, your compelling wish is my absolute command.

Pics are uploaded. Nothing earth-shattering there, but maybe something someone will enjoy.

Me? Can't wait for next time!

Dave, you (or someone in your Bo) arrived minutes behind me, I heard APP handling 2024Q on a different frequency. Arriving from the north...


My broker was flyin it back from a pre-buy up in Ada.

The purchasers are trying to get an AC unit in it. They did the pre-buy and are just waiting for comfirmation that they can get the unit installed O.K. Keith Products didn't put my serial number in their STC application years ago, so they may need a field approval. Did a demo flight this weekend and she performed as advertised :redface:

Dave Siciliano said:
Well Diana:
You might get me to do a little talkin over a Margarita sometime, but 'til then--I take the Fifth!!!
Gaston's 2006! I'll buy you a Margarita. :yes: