American Immortals

I hope he gets his wish. I hope he gets what he wants even sooner.

I flew last week with a guy who is 91 years old, passed his medical with flying colors, and can fly rings around 99% of all the pilots I've ever met.
I want to last at least that long.
Longer if any of my kids get rich and I can be a burden to them.
"I want to die by 75 because I may be incapacitated."
That's a stupid premise.
You will be incapacitated. You will make your life smaller so your ego isn't rubbed in it. Take Shepard's 91 year old pilot friend he might do fine flying where he's been flying for the last 70 years, move him and a young 40 hour private pilot to a new location and the young pilot will do tons better. Old people suck, preferring to be dead rather then sucking is awesome.
You will be incapacitated. You will make your life smaller so your ego isn't rubbed in it. Take Shepard's 91 year old pilot friend he might do fine flying where he's been flying for the last 70 years, move him and a young 40 hour private pilot to a new location and the young pilot will do tons better. Old people suck, preferring to be dead rather then sucking is awesome.

Those words may come back to haunt you someday. :yes:
Those words may come back to haunt you someday. :yes:
Dude I'm there. 44 I can see and feel the lameness creeping on. I fight it, it will of course win. But I won't surrender or make a deal with it, as so many lame old people do, I'm going to make it kill me. :yes:
As with so many things, it depends.

My mom drove...and did so pretty darn well...until 95.

My dad had a stroke and was pretty much toast at 75.

Mom's 101 and it's been time for her to go for about a year now.

But us kids (10) are all pretty certain that dad is up there aggressively lobbying St. Peter to allow him as many years of peace and quiet as possible. :)

Yeah, I know, we're all going to hell for that. :goofy:
If I can continue with my hobbies,with a sharp mind ,I'll take a few aches and pains.age is only a number.
His premise - stop receiving life prolonging health care at a certain point - makes sense. Putting an arbitrary number on that age does not.
What he is really saying is due to our new health care system you should only live to 75 because the cost to keep an old person alive is no longer sustainable. ;)
He is welcome to his choice. But he needs to stop trying to convince others that it's the RIGHT choice, and let others make their own decisions.

There are no RIGHT end-of-life choices, only individual choices.
His premise - stop receiving life prolonging health care at a certain point - makes sense. Putting an arbitrary number on that age does not.

I agree with this. If I'm healthy at 85, I'll keep on going as I have been. If I'm a wreck at 65, I'll probably want to throw in the towel.

Will this guy move his timeline forward if his health falls apart, or does he just want to hit this arbitrary number for no objective reason? :dunno:
If I can continue with my hobbies,with a sharp mind ,I'll take a few aches and pains.age is only a number.
Everyone says that then changes their hobbies and definition of a sharp mind. More people will be signing up when they realize the modern idea of retirement is unsustainable.:lol:
Dude I'm there. 44 I can see and feel the lameness creeping on. I fight it, it will of course win. But I won't surrender or make a deal with it, as so many lame old people do, I'm going to make it kill me. :yes:

Call me in twenty years and tell me how you feel then. Age is relevant to which direction you're looking; up or down.
Call me in twenty years and tell me how you feel then. Age is relevant to which direction you're looking; up or down.
Maybe. Maybe not, it is wrong to assume everyone is or will become an Immortalist. Immortalism is a sad acceptance of weakness and willingness to submit.
Dude I'm there. 44 I can see and feel the lameness creeping on. I fight it, it will of course win. But I won't surrender or make a deal with it, as so many lame old people do, I'm going to make it kill me. :yes:

You're 44 and you still call people "dude"?:nono:
I hope he gets his wish. I hope he gets what he wants even sooner.

I flew last week with a guy who is 91 years old, passed his medical with flying colors, and can fly rings around 99% of all the pilots I've ever met.
I want to last at least that long.
Longer if any of my kids get rich and I can be a burden to them.

BTW: I'm already 65, do all my own carpentry, masonry, plumbing and electrical work, mow my acre + by hand, maintain my own motorcycles and fly over 100 hrs a year. all over the country. Barring cancer, which kills everyone in my family, I expect to be doing all of these things a good many years.
So, 75 just doesn't work for me.