Almost got an RV or another kit for my B-day

Cap'n Jack

Final Approach
Jun 25, 2006
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Cap'n Jack
I was looking at the latest copy of Kitplanes when my wife noticed the Viperjet on the cover. She asked if I wanted one for my birthday and I explained we couldn't afford it. She asked if there were cheaper planes and I answered in the affirmative.

Her next comment- would I want one of the cheaper ones for my birthday?

Something didn't compute. I asked how much she was willing to spend- she said one or two hundred dollars. When I told her the cost of a plane meeting our mission seen in Kitplanes she said I wasn't getting one for my birthday after all.

She thought Kitplanes was about flying models.

I just should have stopped at saying "yes" to the cheaper plane (RV-10) and remind her is is cheaper than the $500,000 jet. I could also see myself living in the garage too.
You do have a pretty nice garage. It might be worth it if there was an RV-10 in there. :yes:
Good deal Jack. I'll fill out the paperwork, just need you to write your credit card number down and sign. I'll also help build it--but I damn well better be able to fly it :)