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Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Yeah I know. Boring. Nobody cares. ;)

Co-owner arrived back safely from South Dakota tonight and now if the weather will cooperate (it won't, but I'll pretend it's going to) this weekend, I can go fly.

I need to do a hangar run and check propane and generator and yadda yadda for winter flying too. Refill the big space heater. Find snow shovel. etc... Starting to get down to pre-heat temps.

Sigh. This crap is coming...

Hey, what is the weather app you did a screen shot of? I do hope the weather clears enough to be able to go flying. Fuel price was $5.04 at KBJC wed (down from $5.24)if they have not raised it again already. airnav is still showing higher. I would love to burn some of the cheaper fuel.
Hey, what is the weather app you did a screen shot of?
I would like to know that, too.

I also have a question about Saturday's forecast graphic. What the heck is that? Laser beams shooting down from the sky?!?!? Gonna need more than an umbrella for that! :eek:
It's Accuweather's App.

Laser beams! ROFL!!! I hadn't really ever thought about it.