Airline employees kick Service Dog

If the facts are as reported then I'm in total agreement with you.

Unfortunately I no longer believe anything that the media reports if it's a story that will get me angry, scared, or otherwise appeal to my emotions.
I'm sure the truth will come out sooner or later. Not like there isn't cameras everywhere..

I am sure they did some editing to increase the wow factor , but still.

BTW , how did I get this into the technical corner :mad2:
Just downright sad is what it is, WTF if you don't like people don't go in a service industry, or be line mechanic. Some of the best line mechanics are social retards lol. Still, always suspicious of someone that would mistreat an animal. I have had to fight our Pyrenees guardian dog breaking up a fight once once where I choked him across a stall rail, but as soon as he gave in and went limp I let him off and pet him. It was just how dogs establish dominance at the throat, once done it's done. I have also hung upside down on a horses head and pulled myself up by his ears, but he did not get me off his back lol.:rofl:
The United employees at Dulles are the worst employees in any profession that I have ever met. I have no trouble buying this story. Went through there a few months back and they were out soliciting money to help people get out of line (AKA wanting bribes to do their job) The entire lot of them were. I gave away my miles and vouchers for United, I'll fly to Norway to get to Mexico as long as it doesn't involve United and especially if it doesn't involve United at Dulles.
That is really sad. I wish the dog would have bit the offending employee.